Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestion, comments etc
Compensation for the committee participation for female „Hochschullehrenden” (Professors or researcher with teaching duties)
Compensation for the committee participation for female „Hochschullehrenden” (Professors or researcher with teaching duties): 2000€ pro semester. pdf
Slides for to add to yearly safety meeting about discrimination and sexual harassment
This slides should be used in the safety yearly meetings to discuss issues of discrimination and sexual harassment:
New recommendation for hiring new employees
Guideline against sexualised discrimination and Sexual Violence
English version
If you need support in the related to sexualized discrimination, you can contact counselling centre for sexualized discrimination and violence issues.
Maternity protection
Guidebook from Gewerbeaufsichtsamt.
Permission to return to work for pregnant and breastfeeding employees.
If you want to return to your work during special corona restcted access, please follow this procedure:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding employees should contact their responsible officer (see the list below), which will help with the request to the Dezernat 1.
- Dezernat 1 contacts the supervisor (of the employee) and asks him/her to complete a risk assessment for the pregnant or breastfeeding employee.
- This risk assessment is submitted to the company physician (BAD Oldenburg) for an occupational health statement and then to Stabsstelle Arbeitssicherheit (HQ Health & Safety).
- Until all statements have been submitted, the pregnant or breastfeeding employee is subject to the current general ban on entering the workplace.
Institut für Physik
Petra Rölle (Personalreferentin)
Cedric Meißner (Personalsachbearbeiter)
Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften
Institut für Chemie
Sabine Porath (Personalreferentin)
Susanne Gayk (Personalsachbearbeiterin)
Institut für Mathematik
Selina Wertenbruch (Personalreferentin)
Keno Stellmann (Personalsachbearbeiter)
Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres
Betriebseinheit für technisch-wissenschaftliche Infrastruktur (BI)
Volker Roth (Personalreferent)
Heike Gronau (Personalsachbearbeiterin)
Guideline for pregnant employees and students
Maternity leave info for pregnant students:
Maternity leave info for pregnant employes:
- --> click on Mutterschutz und Mutterschaftsgeld (unfortunatelly only in German).
- Contact email
Info about parental benefit
- -> click on Elterngeld & Elternzeit
- Contact email
If you are a PhD student or a postdoc with a scholarship:
- --> then click on „Promovierende und Post Doc´s mit Stipendium“
- Contact email
Other documents to read at Uni Intranet about the pregnancy regulations:
Formulare und Vordrucke // Universität Oldenburg ( for Mutterschutz