
Julia Wembacher

tel. +49 441 798 3650

Dr. Vita Solovyeva

tel. +49 441 798 3547

Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestion, comments etc

Blog for rOle model project // Universität Oldenburg ( (blog for rOle model project) 

People of trust

Events: seminars, courses, trainings, lectures

Future Events

The event program is done in colaboration with the equal opportunity office of the medical faculty:

Advanced training series for professors, junior professors and postdocs (more info)

The permanent link for the lectures are available via a StudyGroup.

Lecture Series (starting time 13:00)

No registration needed, the meeting link will be announced in advance.



Program for 2025 will be published soon

Past events


Lunch time lectures:











Writing Retreats

  • 25.03.-27.03.2021 Writing Retreat "local" - We will look for a nice place in Oldenburg e.g. Glaswerk or rooms in the Schloßgarten and write together there - but each of us will sleep in her own bed.
  • 29.9.-3.10.2021 Writing Retreat Langeoog - Fortunately, we have been able to book accommodation for another date and offer you Langeoog as a substitute for Spiekeroog - but unfortunately only in autumn.

For further information or to already announce your interest in the retreat please write an Email: 

OLTECH - Mentoring programme for young researchers


Motivation letter and CV as one PDF

to Dr. Ferdinand Esser

Deadline: 27. September 2021

More information online here:

Women in Science and Industry 2021

The research training group 2226 “Chemical Bond Activation” invites you to participate in the online event Women in Science and Industry 2021.

Female speakers from different backgrounds will talk about their career in chemistry-related fields,  their research topics/their tasks and give tips to aspiring young scientists.

Participation is free. Registration 

The participation is gender-independent.

WiNS Summer School 2021 - Call for applications

The summer school is organized by Prof. Caterina Cocchi.

Light, matter, and life: Why do we see what we see and how do we understand it?

4-5 June 2021.

Application by e-mail ( including

  •  Short schematic curriculum vitae (max 1 A4 page)
  •  A short motivation letter with indication of the research interests (approx. ½ A4 page)

The number of participants is limited to 25, selection based on the applications.
Deadline: April 15th, 2021

Women in philosophy and physics: seminars

Prof. Dr. Betti Hartmann and Dr. phil. Carla Schriever invite participants to a new series of seminars. The seminars will be online in SS2021, on Mondays at 14:30 to 16:00. Schedule

Picture of a scientist: An evening on gender bias in science

Who actually does science? And why is it still "the male scientist" in our minds? We want to address this topic in an evening, organized fully online. We will watch together (or better: simultaneously) the film PICTURE A SCIENTIST, in which a female biologist, a female chemist and a female geologist take on these questions and lead us on a journey through the experiences of their academic careers - as female scientists. The documentary (English original version, German subtitles) gives hope as it tells the story of strength and solidarity, of courageous female scientists who stand up to injustice and start a global discourse of change and equality.

Afterwards, we will meet in a casual setting in freely changeable discussion groups, for a glass of wine or fizzy drink, to discuss impressions and ideas.

March, 18th - 7 p.m.

Please register until Sunday, March 14th, at: (or Stud.IP → Search → Enter “Picture a scientist”) 

A joint event of OFFIS, Gleichstellung Fakultät V, DFG SFB 1372 - Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates, DFG RTG 1885 - Sensory Bio,  DFG TRR 51 Roseobacter, OLTECH and Departments für Informatik 

Cancelled due to corona:Writing Retreat for female scientists in spring 2021 (08.02. bis 12.02)

In everyday life scientists often have a packed schedule and little time to concentrate on publishing their work. But: The central currency for a successful scientific career are publications and third-party funding applications. In November 2019, the Royal Society of Chemistry in Nature published* that there are still structural hurdles for women scientists to publicise.

Especially female scientists, being more often more involved in committee work and teaching as well as family responsibilities, have very little time to spend on writing publications or proposals. For an academic career, however, these are of enormous importance. 

The writing retreat is a possibility and training for concentrated writing. It is a planned retreat and break from everyday university life. The aim is to provide scientists with an optimal working environment in which to immerse themselves in the individual writing process and to devote themselves effectively to scientific publications, applications and projects.

During the writing retreat we provide an undisturbed atmosphere, offering a fixed daily routine, which nevertheless also takes into account the need for exchange (peer review), recreation, exercise and healthy nutrition, as well as contemplation. 

In addition to the direct text result of the intensive working time, individual writing skills, the establishment of productive work strategies and self-organisation are improved.

More details will be announced soon.
For further information or to already announce your interest in the retreat please write an Email to subject writing retreat


Influence of Covid-19 on female researchers

more details: The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women in science: Challenges and solutions

* doi: 10.1038/d41586-019-03438-y ; Huge study documents gender gap in chemistry publishing;  Analysis finds female-led papers are more likely to be rejected, and less likely to be cited, than those with male corresponding authors. 

Women in Science and Industry (2020)

4th of November, 2020
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The research training group 2226 “Chemical Bond Activation” invites you to participate in the online event Women in Science and Industry 2020. Female speakers from different backgrounds will talk about their career in chemistry-related fields. For more information, registration (everyone is welcome, free of charge) and a short summary on the research topics of the speaker please visit the website:

Online - Workshop: Work and Family in Balance, max. 10 participants. Registration is open.

Registration for the 2-days webinar. Registration deadline is 02.02.2021. 

Information about the webinar 

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