
Julia Wembacher

+49 (0)441 798 3650

Dr. Birgit Vollrath

+49 (0)441 798 3199

Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestion, comments etc

Blog for rOle model project // Universität Oldenburg ( (blog for rOle model project) 

People of trust

Discrimination and sexual harassment information

Flyer with information about the persons of trust for Faculty V.

Do you already know the person of trust?



Slides for to add to yearly safety meeting about discrimination and sexual harassment

This slides should be used in the safety yearly meetings to discuss issues of discrimination and sexual harassment:

slides pdf

slides ppt

University Counselling Center for sexualized discrimination

conTakt –Counselling Center for sexualized discrimination and violence issues of the CvO University

0441 798-2776,

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