Current research alliances with the participation of the School
Current research alliances with the participation of the School
Research alliances with the participation of the School
- Alarm Redux (BMBF)
- ÄKHOM - Ärztliche Kompetenz Hamburg Oldenburg München (BMBF)
- ASD-Net (BMBF)
- BBDiag ("Blood Biomarker-based Diagnostic Tools for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease") (EU)
- "Cryptochrome based magnetic sensing" (AFSOR)
- DAME ("Deep Learning Algorithms for Medical Image Evaluation") (Interreg/EU)
- Ears II Empir (EU)
- ESCAlife ("Evidence-based, Stepped Care of ADHD along the life-span") (BMBF)
- EurHealth-1Health (Interreg/EU)
- Health-i-care (Interreg/EU)
- KFO 250: "Genetic and Cellular Mechanisms of Autoimmune Diseases", Subproject 8 (DFG)
- mEEGaHStim (BMBF)
- MeSiB (BMBF)
- NeuroCommTrainer (BMBF)
- Open community platform for hearing aid algorithm research (NIH)
- Pflegeinnovationszentrum (BMBF)
- PP1608 "Ultrafast and temporally precise information processing: Normal and dysfunctional hearing" (DFG)
- PROCLAIR (“Linking Patient-Reported Outcomes with CLAIms data for health services Research in rheumatology”) (BMBF)
- Research Training Group "Nano energy research" (MWK)
- Research Unit 1557 Simulation and Evaluation of Acoustical Environments (SEACEN) (DFG)
- Safety4Bikes (BMBF)
SPP 1665: Resolving and manipulating neuronal networks in the mammalian brain - from correlative to causal analysis (DFG)Student Exchange Network in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience (EU Erasmus Mundus)
Former research alliances with the participation of the School
- ABCIT - "Advancing Binaural Cochlear Implant Technology" (EU)
- EU-FP7 People ITN Adaptive Brain Computations (EU)
- EU-ITN DREAMS (Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music and Speech) (EU)
- Interdisciplinary Research Center for Critical Systems Engineering for Socio-Technical Systems (MWK)