
Speaker of the RTG
Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Tel.: +49-(0)441-798-3640
Raum: W4 1-137

Scientific Management
Dr. Kristin Tietje
+49 (0)441 798-3882
W10 0-007

Scientific Management
Anne Depping
+49 (0)441 798-2451 
V03 M 3-335

Finance and Administration
Gabriele Ahrens
+49 (0)441 798-3336
+49 (0)441 798-193336
W4 1-167


RTG SensoryBio Summer Symposium 2022 


Impressions of the RTG SensoryBio career workshop "The world is waiting for you – are you prepared for that?" on the island Spiekeroog



RTG SensoryBio Summer Symposium 2022

The members of the PhD organisational team are currently planning our Summer Symposium in Berlin. Detailled information will follow soon.


RTG SensoryBio project features EurJOC cover

The team of Prof. Jens Christoffers discovered that Diaminoterephthalate-EDTA and -EGTA Conjugates function as “Turn on” Fluorescence Sensors for Zinc Ions. Read the full paper here and do not miss to enjoy their featured EurJOC cover.

Congratulations to Nils Schröder, Marc Schmidtmann, Jens Christoffers!



RTG SensoryBio researcher @nature 

How do birds navigate? - This question is the driving force of Prof. Henrik Mouritsen’s team and their international colleagues. In their recent publication Xu et al. prove the magnetic sensitivity of Cryptochrome 4 in migratory songbirds. Read the full paper here.
Congratulation to the interdisciplinary and international team!


Meet the Postdoc - RTG networking event

On Oct 14 2020 the RTG SensoryBio orga team hosted the networking event "Meet the Postdoc!"

The concept behind the “Meet the Postdoc”-event was to create an opportunity for PhD students to get to know the postdocs of the Carl von Ossietzky University, in collaborating working groups from other universities, and former PhD students (now postdocs). At the core, were the ideas to:
1.) learn about qualities and skills they have to get into this position;
2.) get acquainted with the person behind the academic position

Idea 1. arose in order to create an event similar to a job fair, but from the academic point of view. It should show PhD students, by way of example, what may be useful traits and skills, should they want to stick to academic research. Additionally, the event would hand PhD students a small collection of expertise, should they need some help or input on specific topics.

Idea 2. sparked to resolve the assumption that one has to work 24/7 to stay in academia and “make it”. To show the humane or private side of the postdocs. What keeps them sane? How do they unwind? Stress management is a skill everyone needs, but not everyone has.

Taking the best approaches to both sides, the RTG Orga Team comprised this one-day online event. During the event postdocs present where they come from and what brought them to where they are, from a professional, but also a personal side. Personal contact would be more ideal and more to the spirit of such an event. However, with pandemic regulations still in place, the event has to take place online, which gave us the possibility to invite externals and not break with the flow of the platform. We as the Orga team hope that postdocs, as well as PhD students enjoy and embrace this event wholeheartedly.


Kristin Tietje (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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