Principal Investigators and PhD students
Speaker of the RTG
Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Tel.: +49-(0)441-798-3640
Raum: W4 1-137
Scientific Management
Dr. Kristin Tietje
+49 (0)441 798-3882
W10 0-007
Scientific Management
Anne Depping
+49 (0)441 798-2451
V03 M 3-335
Finance and Administration
Gabriele Ahrens
+49 (0)441 798-3336
+49 (0)441 798-193336
W4 1-167

Principal Investigators and PhD students
Principal Investigators and PhD students
![]() | Homogeneous catalysis, bond activation, heterocyclic and combinatorial chemistry, natural product synthesis | |
![]() | Gap junctions, visual information processing in retinal networks | |
![]() | Photoreceptors involved in orientation behavior in fish | |
![]() | Visual information processing in retinal networks | |
![]() | Molecular mechanisms of visual information processing in the vertebrate retina | |
![]() | Molecular mechanisms of phototransduction in rod and cone cells of the vertebrate retina | |
![]() | Optical properties of functional nanostructures, ultrafast and nano-optics | |
![]() | Animal navigation mechanisms from molecules and cognition to behavior, magnetic sense | |
![]() | Genetic diseases of the eye and retina, ciliopathies, translational research and treatment approaches in animal models | |
![]() | Molecular mechanisms of function, development and evolution of the mammalian auditory system | |
![]() | Molecular physiology and regulation in environmental bacteria | |
![]() | Prof. Dr. Ilia Solov'yov | Theoretical and computational methods for sensory biology |
![]() | Biophysics, molecular spectroscopy | |
![]() | Dr. Christian Puller | Visual information processing in retinal networks |
PhD students of the second funding period
PhD students funded by the DFG RTG
Funded by other sources
Alumni PIs
Prof. Dr. Alexander Hartmann | Complex behavior of discrete systems in physics, biology, mathematics and computer science | |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Parisi/ Jun. Prof. Dr. Manuels Schiek | Photovoltaic-driven neurosensoric man-machine interfaces | |
Cytoskeletal dynamics, stress responses and signal transduction mechanisms in neural cells |
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Dynamic and stability of chemical and electrical synaptic integration in the retina |
Alumni PhD students funded by the DFG RTG
Name | Title of the project | Supervisor |
Oliya Abdullaeva | Activation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels in Neuroblastoma Cells by an Organic Artificial Photoreceptor | Apl. Prof. Dr. Manuela Schiek Apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek |
Bianca Brüggen | Synapses of amacrine cells and ceramide synthase deficiency in the mouse retina | apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek |
Anne Depping | The contribution of horizontal cells to retinal adaptation | Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek |
Mirjam Kant (geb. Trinkler) | Eingrenzung der Schwellenwertkonzentration von 4-Hydroxyacetophenon bei „Aromatoleum aromaticum“ Stamm EbN1 | Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus |
Constanze Krohs (geb. Funke) | Functional characterization of miR-96 in the mouse auditory brainstem | Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang |
Astrid Markgraf | Identification of chemical recognition signals triggering social behavior | Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gerlach |
Jörg Robin | Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Rydberg Electrons at a Gold Nanotip and Calcium Sensor Proteins | Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau |
Janina Leyk | Stress responses and cell death mechanisms leading to sensory dysfunction | Prof. Dr. Christiane Richter-Landsberg |
Tina Schlüter | Functional characterization of deafness genes in the central auditory pathway | Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang |
Anka Schubert | Diaminoterephtalic acid derivates - Fluorescent dyes for Life Sciences and Materials Science | Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers |
Jasmin Segelken | Characterization of horizontal cell function and modulation in the vertebrate retina | Prof. Dr. Ulrike Janssen-Bienhold |
Stefan Sulmann | The Guanylate Cyclase-GCAP System -a multi protein complex in phototransduction | Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch |
Jannes Vagts | Sensory distinction of structurally similar aromatic compounds | Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus |
Melanie Wallisch | Diaminoterephthalate – Neue Fluoreszenzsonden für Anwendungen in der Biochemie und Biologie | Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers |
Alumni PhD students funded by other sources
Name | Title of the project | Supervisor |
Seher Abbas | Molecular Switches Leading To Deactivation Of Sensory Signaling And Recovery Of The Cellular Response. | Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch |
Michael Bottesch | Navigationally relevant compass cues in migratory and dispersing species - star compass learning in a night-migratory songbird, magnetic compass orientation in coral reef fish larvae, behavioral and electrophysiological investigation of polarization sensitivity in migratory and non-migratory birds | Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen |
Leon Buschbeck | Diaminoterephtalate - neue Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe für die Life Sciences and Materials Science | Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers |
Lena Dübbel | Characterization of signaling pathways in tumor immunology and immune therapy. | Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch |
Dana Elbers | Switches and control of protein function on nano-structured surfaces | Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch |
Lena Freimuth | Studien zur Synthese von fluoreszierenden Diaminoterephthalsäurederivaten zur Anwendung in den Life Sciences und der Materials Science | Prof. Jens Christoffers
Dmitry Kobylkov | The magnetic senses of birds | Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen |
Vincent Kunze | Genetic Profiling of Cone Photoreceptor Types in the Mammalian Retina | Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch |
Stephan Tetenborg | The composition and regulation of electrical synapses in the inner plexiform layer of the retina | Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek |
Kristin Tietje | Bases of behavioral, genetic, and neuronal mechanisms of olfactory imprinting in zebrafish (Danio rerio) | Prof. Gabriele Gerlach |
Farina Vocke | Dysfunction of the guanylate cyclase-GCAP1 complex by a pathogenic mutation and nanoparticles designed for delivery | Prof. Karl-Wilhelm Koch |
Viviane Wilms | Development and evolution of the auditory system | Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang |
Hanna Wimberg | Control of the guanylate cyclase signaling unit in phototransduction by the RD3 protein | Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch |