
Speaker of the RTG
Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Tel.: +49-(0)441-798-3640
Raum: W4 1-137

Scientific Management
Dr. Kristin Tietje
+49 (0)441 798-3882

W10 0-007

Scientific Management
Anne Depping
+49 (0)441 798-2451
V03 M 3-335

Finance and Administration
Gabriele Ahrens
+49 (0)441 798-3336
+49 (0)441 798-193336

W4 1-167

Principal Investigators and PhD students

Third cohorte of PhD students


Principal Investigators and PhD students



Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers

Homogeneous catalysis, bond activation, heterocyclic and combinatorial chemistry, natural product synthesis

apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek

Gap junctions, visual information processing in retinal networks

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gerlach

Photoreceptors involved in orientation behavior in fish


Prof. Dr. Martin Greschner

Visual information processing in retinal networks


Apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Janssen-Bienhold

Molecular mechanisms of visual information processing in the vertebrate retina


Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Molecular mechanisms of phototransduction in rod and cone cells of the vertebrate retina


Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau

Optical properties of functional nanostructures, ultrafast and nano-optics

Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen

Animal navigation mechanisms from molecules and cognition to behavior, magnetic sense

Quelle: Universität Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt

Genetic diseases of the eye and retina, ciliopathies, translational research and treatment approaches in animal models


Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang

Molecular mechanisms of function, development and evolution of the mammalian auditory system

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus

Molecular physiology and regulation in environmental bacteria

Prof. Dr. Ilia Solov'yov

Theoretical and computational methods for sensory biology


Prof. Dr. Michael Winklhofer

Biophysics, molecular spectroscopy


Dr. Christian Puller

Visual information processing in retinal networks
(associated RTG member; Prof. Greschner Group)

PhD students of the second funding period

PhD students funded by the DFG RTG


Faiza Altaf

Funtional characterization of microRNAs in the auditory brainstem
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang
Shambhavi Apte Magnetic sensing and orientation in migratory birds, and its anatomical correlate
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Kristina Bruns Genetic basis of behavior
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gerlach

Ramona Buschen

Regulation and responsiveness of anaerobic ethylbenzene / acetophenone degradation in A. aromatoleum EbN1

supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus
Angelika Einwich The role of cryptochromes in magnetoreception
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Karim Habashy Computational Modeling of Navigation in Birds
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Micheal Winklhofer
Alejandra Acevedo Harnecker The contribution of horizontal cells to retinal adaptation and the processing of natural scenes
supervised by: apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek

Germann Hergert

Multidimensional spectroscopy of light-induced charge and spin tranfer
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau

Malien Laurien

Sensory basis of oritnetation behaviour in fish
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gerlach
Lena Nemitz Characterization of horizontal cell function and modulation in the vertebrate retina
supervised by: Apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Janssen-Bienhold

Dipti Pradhan

The mouse retinal output signal and its modulation by horizontal cells
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Martin Greschner

Nils Schröder

Diaminoterephthalates - New Tools for Life Sciences and Materials Science
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers

Fabian Schuhmann

Theoretical and computational methods for sensory biology                                                                    supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ilia Solov’yov
Pranav Seth Downregulation of CRY4 form European robin (Erithacus rubecula) using small hairpin constructions (shOligos)
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen

Manisha Kumari

Activity control of sensory membrane-bound guanylate cyclases
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Matteo Spinelli

Immunohistochemical analysis of desmosome like-junctions and gapjunctions in the OPL of the mouse retina
supervised by: Apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Janssen-Bienhold
Anitta Rose Thomas Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Charge Separation Processes in Natural Light Harvesting Complexes
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau

Muhammad Usman

The retinitis Pigmentosa GTPase regulator (RPGR) and defects in ciliary signaling and transport
supervised by: Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt
Laura Ziegenbalg Magnetoreception in teleost fish
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Michael Winkelhofer

Sarah-Karina Menke-Sell

The GC/GCAP system in the retina of the zebrafish focussing on phototransduction in cones
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch


Domna Zourelidou

Molecular basis of magnetide-based magnetoreception
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Michael Winkelhofer

Funded by other sources

Nicole Ahrens Functional analysis of zebrafish specific Opsin-Kinases (zGRKs)
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Vaishnavi Balaji The retinal circuitry for magnetoreception in migratory birds
supervised by: Apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek
Christoph Block Magnetosensory information encoding in the retina of migratory birds
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Martin Greschner
Raisa Chetverikova Analysis of retinal cells in the avian retina with Ca2+ Imaging
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mourtisen
Yaoyu Chen Role of RD3 in controlling guanylate cyclase activities in brain
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Sabrina Duda Classification and spatial distribution of mammalian retinal ganglion cell types
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Martin Greschner
Anders Frederiksen Structural and dynamical traits of avian cryptochromes
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ilia Solov'yov
Katharina Görtemaker Cryptochromes as molecular triggers in magnetoreceptive cell responses
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Gesa Grüning Structural and dynamical traits of avian cryptochromes
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ilia Solov'yov
Katrin Haase Magnetic map processing in the brain of migratory birds
supervised by: Dr. Dominik Heyers and Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Maja Hanic´ Structure and photoactivation of avian cryptochromes
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ilia Solov'yov
Thiemo Karwinkel Assessing magnetoreception and orientation/navigation-hypotheses in free flying birds
supervised by: Dr. Heiko Schmaljohann and Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen 
Denise Krissel Evolutionary Development of Excitatory Projection Neurons in Tetrapod Sound Localization Circuits
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang
Corinna Langebrake

A genomic approach to migration and orientation in the European robin                                                    supervised by: Prof. Dr. Miriam Liedvogel

Bo Leberecht Assessing magnetoreception and navigation-hypotheses in the lab
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Isabelle Musielak Multisensory integration of navigational information in the avian telencephalon
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Dr. Onur Güntürkün and Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Shaked Palgi Neural basis of goal-directed navigation in complex environments ‒ Insights from the bat
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky
Ali Jason Saleh Noncoding RNA in the central auditory system
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang
Ayelet Sarel Neural basis of goal-directed navigation in complex environments ‒ Insights from the bat
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky
Raphael Schween A genomic approach to migration and orientation in the European robin                                                    supervised by: Prof. Dr. Arne Nolte
Alina Steinemer Multisensory integration of navigational information in the avian telencephalon
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Dr. Onur Güntürkün and Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen

Sebastian Swirski

Spliceosomal adaptation as a therapeutic tool against splice site mutations in retinal diseases
supervised by: Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt
Daniel Timmer Radical-pair-based magnetoreception
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Peter Hore and Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau                         
Siu Ying Wong Radical-pair-based magnetoreception
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Peter Hore and Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau 
Jingjing Xu

Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms of Cryptochrome-based Radical Pairs in the Avian Magnetic Compass
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen

Chad Yee Cryptochromes as molecular triggers in magnetoreceptive cell responses
supervised by: Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch


Alumni PIs

Prof. Dr. Alexander Hartmann Complex behavior of discrete systems in physics, biology, mathematics and computer science  
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Parisi/
Jun. Prof. Dr. Manuels Schiek
Photovoltaic-driven neurosensoric man-machine interfaces  

Prof. Dr. Christiane Richter-Landsberg

Cytoskeletal dynamics, stress responses and signal transduction mechanisms in neural cells


Prof. Dr. Reto Weiler

Dynamic and stability of chemical and electrical synaptic integration in the retina


Alumni PhD students funded by the DFG RTG


Title of the project

Oliya Abdullaeva Activation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels in Neuroblastoma Cells by an Organic Artificial Photoreceptor

Apl. Prof. Dr. Manuela Schiek

Apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek

Bianca Brüggen

Synapses of amacrine cells and ceramide synthase deficiency in the mouse retina

apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek

Anne Depping

The contribution of horizontal cells to retinal adaptation

Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek

Mirjam Kant (geb. Trinkler) Eingrenzung der Schwellenwertkonzentration von 4-Hydroxyacetophenon bei „Aromatoleum aromaticum“ Stamm EbN1 Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus

Constanze Krohs (geb. Funke)

Functional characterization of miR-96 in the mouse auditory brainstem

Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang

Astrid Markgraf Identification of chemical recognition signals triggering social behavior Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gerlach

Jörg Robin

Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Rydberg Electrons at a Gold Nanotip and Calcium Sensor Proteins

Prof. Dr.  Christoph Lienau

Janina Leyk

Stress responses and cell death mechanisms leading to sensory dysfunction

Prof. Dr. Christiane Richter-Landsberg

Tina Schlüter

Functional characterization of deafness genes in the central auditory pathway

Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang

Anka Schubert Diaminoterephtalic acid derivates - Fluorescent dyes for Life Sciences and Materials Science Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers

Jasmin Segelken

Characterization of horizontal cell function and modulation in the vertebrate retina

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Janssen-Bienhold

Stefan Sulmann

The Guanylate Cyclase-GCAP System -a multi protein complex in phototransduction

Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Jannes Vagts Sensory distinction of structurally similar aromatic compounds

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus

Melanie Wallisch

Diaminoterephthalate – Neue Fluoreszenzsonden für Anwendungen in der Biochemie und Biologie

Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers


Alumni PhD students funded by other sources


Title of the project


Seher Abbas

Molecular Switches Leading To Deactivation Of Sensory Signaling And Recovery Of The Cellular Response.

Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Michael Bottesch Navigationally relevant compass cues in migratory and dispersing species - star compass learning in a night-migratory songbird, magnetic compass orientation in coral reef fish larvae, behavioral and electrophysiological investigation of polarization sensitivity in migratory and non-migratory birds Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Leon Buschbeck Diaminoterephtalate - neue Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe für die Life Sciences and Materials Science Prof. Dr. Jens Christoffers

Lena Dübbel

Characterization of signaling pathways in tumor immunology and immune therapy.

Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Dana Elbers Switches and control of protein function on nano-structured surfaces Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Lena Freimuth    

Studien zur Synthese von fluoreszierenden Diaminoterephthalsäurederivaten zur Anwendung in den Life Sciences und der Materials Science

Prof. Jens Christoffers


Dmitry Kobylkov The magnetic senses of birds Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen
Vincent Kunze Genetic Profiling of Cone Photoreceptor Types in the Mammalian Retina Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Stephan Tetenborg The composition and regulation of electrical synapses in the inner plexiform layer of the retina Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek

Kristin Tietje

Bases of behavioral, genetic, and neuronal mechanisms of olfactory imprinting in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Prof. Gabriele Gerlach

Farina Vocke

Dysfunction of the guanylate cyclase-GCAP1 complex by a pathogenic mutation and nanoparticles designed for delivery

Prof. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Viviane Wilms Development and evolution of the auditory system Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang
Hanna Wimberg Control of the guanylate cyclase signaling unit in phototransduction by the RD3 protein Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch
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