
Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich

A6 4-403


Students of the Bachelor and Master programmes at the Department of Social Sciences have the opportunity to be nominated for one or more exchange periods at one of our Erasmus+ partner universities. Students participating at the Erasmus+ programme receive a grant. Furthermore, their academic achievements will be credited in accordance to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

The International Office of the University of Oldenburg (IO) provides guidance regarding general and financial aspects of your participation at the Erasmus+ programme as well as all relevant forms (including the Erasmus+ check list).

In order to take part at the Erasmus+ programme you have to undertake a simple application process, which begins with an online application and a letter of motivation. Applications are made in the current academic year to study approach in the next academic year. Applications open on October 1 of each year. The deadline for applications is January 15. Full information about the application process is available here.

A second round of applications will be opened in Summer Semester for any remaining vacant exchange places for the Summer Semester of the following academic year. The process will be announced by your Department and the deadline for this is June 1.

Once you have been accepted to the Erasmus+ programme, you be asked to complete a Learning Agreement to confirm your module choices at your university abroad.

Erasmus+ Departmental Co-ordinator:

Dr. Jennifer Turner

Contact persons at the International Office:

Andreas Männle and/or Karolina Dymek

(Changed: 12 Aug 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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