
Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich

A6 4-403

Application process

Application process

The application period for an Erasmus+ stay starts 12 months before the academic year in which the stay is planned. This means October 1 for the following winter and summer semester.

The application deadline is January 15. Acceptances or rejections for the desired study place are sent out by the beginning of February at the latest.

A second round of applications will be opened in Summer Semester for any remaining vacant exchange places for the Summer Semester of the following academic year. The process will be announced by your Department and the deadline for this is June 1.

Application procedure:

  1. Complete the application form for an Erasmus study place online.
  1. Submit PDF printout of this form together with a short letter of motivation in English (no longer than one page) to the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator for the Institute of Social Sciences by January 15.
  1. You will be invited to a short personal interview to talk about your individual motivation for a stay abroad in order to be selected for the Erasmus+ exchange program. In this interview, please explain your reasoned choice of destination country and university, as well as the added value for your own CV and academic success.
  1. This interview will be followed by the selection and the preliminary confirmation of the Erasmus+ place with the International Office by February 15 at the latest.
  1. Your nomination will then be confirmed with the partner university.
  1. You will then select courses at your partner university and arrangement upir Learning Agreement in conjunction with the Erasmus+ Drpartmental Coorindator. learning agreements, please also contact the Erasmus+ representative*.

For complete step-by-step details, please check the Erasmus+ checklist.

Selection criteria for the allocation of Erasmus+ places:

Whether you get a place at the university of your choice depends on your language skills and personal motivation. Good English skills (between B1 and C1, depending on the university) are essential. Previous knowledge of the language of the country in which you plan to spend your semester abroad is usually not necessary, but an advantage. Exceptions are our French, Spanish and Italian partner universities, where knowledge of the respective national language (B1 or B2) is a prerequisite for the stay abroad.

Are you planning a semester abroad in Sweden, for example? A basic Swedish course will give you a good advantage. Otherwise, you have the option of taking a language course in the local language on site. Furthermore, you should argue convincingly why you would like to study abroad and why you have chosen the specific country or university(ies). Of course, you can apply for more than one university. In this case, write only one entire letter of motivation and explain which university is your first or second priority.

*Erasmus+ und Internationalisierungsbeaufragte:

Erasmus-Beauftrage / Departmental Erasmus Coordinator: Jennifer Turner:

A6 4-404

Erasmus-Hochschulkoordinatorin / Institutional Erasmus Coordinator: Andreas Männle:

(Changed: 12 Aug 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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