
Heidenreich, Martin

Jean Monnet Chair for European Studies in Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty I, A6 4-403
University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg



Zemke, Kerstin

A6 4-401


Presentations and Abstracts

Presentations and Abstracts

[20.-22.6.2019] Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich presents his paper "Peripheral European labour markets in the Eurozone crisis" at the CES-Conference in Madrid.

[20.-22.6.2019] Patricia Bruns presents her paper "Class, values and Euroscepticism: Which social milieus support or oppose European integration?" at the CES-Conference in Madrid.

[20.-22.6.2019] Sven Broschinski presents his paper "The Role of Public Employment Services in Youth Labor Market Integration" at the CES-Conference in Madrid.

[24.04.2019] Martin Heidenreich presents his paper "Social cohesion in Europe. Threats and challenges." at the InForum Oldenburg.

[22.11.2018] Christian Steuerwald presents his paper "Kunstorganisationen und ihre Besucher. Über Normierungsweisen von Nicht-Mitgliedern in Kunstorganisationen" at the annual meeting "Künste und Mächte - Politiken in und durch die Künste" of the working group "Soziologie der Künste" in Lüneburg.

[26.09.2018] Jannika Mattes presents her paper 'Regionale Transitionsfelder: Energiewandel als sozialer Prozess' during the section "Innovationsfelder. Handlungsfelder der Koordination komplexer Innovationen" at the 39th congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Goettingen.

[14.09.2018] Jenny Preunkert presents her paper 'Financialization of government debt. Government debt management approaches in the eurozone' at the "ESA Economic Sociology Midterm Conference" in Konstanz.

[29.06.2018] Deborah Rice presents her paper 'Building Active Welfare States: How policy shapes caseworker practice' at the Workshop "Moving from Welfare to Work" in Dublin.

[18.06.2018] Marie-Luise Assmann presents her paper 'Improving school-to work transitions with the European Youth Guarantee? A cross-country comarison' at the international Seminar in Lissabon "Young NEETS and the Youth Guarantee Program - Make the future today"

[18.05.2018] Martin Heidenreich and Marie Heidenreich (Project Management Jülich) present 'The social construction of a sectoral knowledge base in the offshore wind industry: Local innovations in a global industry' at the Research Symposium “Marine Biodiversity Research: Law meets Science” in Oldenburg

[06.04.2018] Martin Heidenreich and Sven Broschinski present their paper 'The double dualization of European labour market during the crisis. Wages, unemployment and job insecurity of labour market outsiders within and between Eurozone countries' at the first Congress of the "Akademie für Soziologie" in Munich

[15/16 February 2018] Martin Heidenreich presents his paper 'The Europeanisation of Social Space and Social Fields' at "Globalization – Transnationalization – Society, An Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Theories of Society and Cross-Border Studies, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF)", Bielefeld University 

[22.01.2018] Sven Broschinski gives a lecture during the seminar "Sociology of Europeanization" at Humboldt University Berlin.

[30.08.-01.09.2017] Deborah Rice presents a paper on 'Network ties among social policy professionals: Benefits and costs for public service organizations and citizens' at the EGPA Conference 2017, Milan.


[12.-14.07.2017] Martin Heidenreich is Chair of the Panel Horizontal Europeanization: Europe as an emerging social entity between the national and the global sphere at the CES-Conference in Glasgow.

[12.-14.07.2017] Sven Broschinski and Jenny Preunkert present their paper The Public Sector Dilemma: Marginal Flexibilization As a Consequence of European Crisis Management and Fiscal Austerity at the CES-Conference in Glasgow.

[02.09.2016] Martin Heidenreich presents his paper "Life satisfaction after the Eurozone crisis. The subjective Europeanization of social inequalities in Europe" at the ESPAnet Conference in Rotterdam.

[02.09.2016] Deborah Rice presents at the ESPAnet Conference in Rotterdam, her paper "How to maximize returns on social investment? A survey of investment strategies in four How to maximize returns on social investment? A survey of investment strategies in four active welfare states"

[26.04.2016] Jannika Mattes und Martin Heidenreich present their paper 'Die soziale Konstruktion einer Branche in kollaborativen Inno­vationsprozessenhalten' during the ForWind-Seminar "Aktuelle Themen zur Windenergieforschung".

[14.-16.04.2016] Martin Heidenreich presents his paper "Subjective Insecurity and Well-Being in the European Union" as part of the session "Economic insecurity in American and European middle classes: new empirical evidence and some political implications" at the 23rd International Conference of Europeanists in Philadelphia.

[14.-16.04.2016] Martin Heidenreich presents his paper ” The Double Dualization of Social Inequalities in the Eurozone Crisis. “ as part of the session ” Comparative Inequality Studies “ at the 23rd International Conference of Europeanists in Philadelphia.

7.-9.6.2024: International conference “Digital Inequalities: Policies and Good Practices” Burgas, Bulgarien

Conference contribution by Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich, University Oldenburg, Germany: „Technological Change, Digitalization and Occupational Skills in Europe. Between Polarization, Upgrading and Downgrading”

Vortrag "Die EU. Ein Erfolgsprojekt vor neuen Herausforderungen" von Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich

Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der Bildungs- und Sozialwissenschaften mit 12 Veranstaltungen von Ende Mai bis Anfang Dezember hält Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich (Institut für Sozialwissenschaften) am 30. Mai, 18.00 Uhr den Vortrag: „Die EU. Ein Erfolgsprojekt vor neuen Herausforderungen“,
in der Aula des einstigen Oldenburger Lehrerseminars (Peterstraße 42)

[4 November 2023] Prof. Dr Martin Heidenreich presents his paper "Social inequalities in Europe. Possible influences of European monetary and fiscal policy" at the Cusanuswerk student council conference in Frankfurt am Main.

[10.12.2015] Mattes, Jannika: Energietransition unter der Lupe. Vortrag in der Reihe "Innovation und sozialer Wandel" der Organisations- und Innovationssoziologie an der Universität Stuttgart.

[26.-27.11.2015] Jannika Mattes und Martin Heidenreich present their paper 'Die doppelte Koordinierung verteilter Innovationen in und zwischen Organisationen. Eine Mikrofundierung governancetheoretischer Perspektiven' during the Herbsttagung der Sektion Organisationssoziologie der DGS, TU Berlin.

[28.10.2015] Stefanie Kley presents 'Facilitators and constraints at each stage of the migration process' at the Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock.

[9./10.10.2015] André Ortiz presents his paper "Marktbasierte Innovationsbeziehungen jenseits des Wettbewerbs: Mikrologiken marktlicher Governance in kollaborativen Entwicklungsprojekten im IT- und Windenergiesektor" at the conference "Jenseits des Wettbewerbs? Koordinationslogiken ökonomischen Handelns und die Einhegung von Märkten" hosted by the section Economic Sociology of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), University of Mannheim

[30.09.2015] Jannika Mattes presents "Breaking down energy transition: The interplay of actors and subsystem in regional restructuration processes" at the University Twente

[7.9.2015] Martin Heidenreich: "Soziale Auswirkungen der Eurokrise", Schlaues Haus Oldenburg.

[03. - 05.09.2015] Deborah Rice presents at the ESPAnet Annual Conference, Stream 1: The role of policy entrepreneurs, advisers and experts in the diffusion of social policy her paper Network ties among social policy professionals: Benefits and costs for public service organizations and citizens in Odense, Dänemark.

[2.-4.9.2015] Sabine Israel presents the paper: Unmet medical needs in European countries. How social policies can improve accessibility of healthcare at the ESHMS Special Interest Meeting "Europe in a Global Perspective" in Trondheim.

[25.-28.8.2015] Sabine Israel presents the paper: Social determinants of health in the European periphery: A cross-sectional time-series analysis at the ESA Conference in Prague

 [25.-28.08.2015] André Ortiz presents the working paper "The Role of Financial Intermediation in Regional Wind Energy Sectors" at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25.-28.08. – "Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination" (Research Network 9 Economic Sociology), to be held in the Czech Republic, Prague.

[8.-10.7.2015] Martin Heidenreich chairs the session “European Integration: Policies and Models” at the 22nd International Conference of the Council for European Studies (CES), to be held in Paris, France. In addition, he will present a paper on the "The Europeanisation of Social Inequalities. Theoretical Challenges and Empirical Evidence" as part of the session "New Perspectives on European Inequality"

[8.07.-10.07.2015] Deborah Rice presents her paper 'A Welfare State for Whom? the Impact of Social Investment Reforms on Income and Activation in the Netherland' at the 22nd International Conference of the Council for European Studies (CES) in Paris

[27.6.2015] Martin Heidenreich presents his paper "Euro crisis as a discovery device. The politicization of European integration" on the "130th Biannual Conference of Japanese Society for Social Policy Studies" at Ochanomizu University.

[12.06.2015] Jannika Mattes - Presentation 'Regionale Lernsysteme und die Transformation regionaler Energiesysteme', spring conference DGS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, section „Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung“, TU Dortmund, Germany, from 12 to 13 June 2015

[25. 5.2015] Jannika Mattes and Teis Hansen: Beyond reciprocal proximity effects: the role of power at the RSA Annual Conference 2015, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italien

[17.3.2015] Deborah Rice presents her paper 'Aktivierungspolitik im internationalen Vergleich: Die Niederlande, Deutschland und Großbritannien' at the Wirtschafts- und Soialwissenschaftliches Institut in the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung during the "Guest Lunch" in Düsseldorf.

[5.2.2015] Katharina Zimmermann presents her paper  'Social Inclusion funded by Europe? The impact of the European Social Fund on local social and employment policies' at the Second EU Cohesion Policy Conference 'Challenges to EU Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020: An Academic and Policy Debate' in Riga (4 - 6 February 2015).

[22.01.2015] Jannika Mattes presents her paper  'Transformation regionaler Innovationssysteme' at the TU Dortmund during the "Aktuelle Debatten der Techniksoziologie".

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