Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae of Martin Heidenreich

Martin Heidenreich, studies of sociology and business administration in Bielefeld, Bologna und Paris, has been Jean-Monnet Chair for European Studies in Social Sciences at the University of Bamberg, founding director of the Bamberg Center for European Studies and founding member of the doctoral programme "Markets and Social Systems in Europe" (University of Bamberg). Since April 2007, he is Professor of Sociology with special attention to Social Stratification, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany. Research interests: Regional and national patterns of work, management and innovation. Past and current research has been funded by numerous agencies including the German Research Council, the European Commission, the Volkswagen-Foundation and different regional and national ministries.



Habilitation in sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Thesis: Informatisierung und Kultur (Computerization and Culture. A comparative analysis of the introduction and use of IT systems in Italian, French and German firms)


Diploma in business economics, University of Bielefeld
Thesis: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen framebasierter Konzepte der Wissensdarstellung (Possibilities and limits of frame-based concepts of knowledge representation)


Ph.D. in Sociology (Dr. rer. soc.), summa cum laude, University of Bielefeld


Diploma in advanced studies in sociology (D.E.A.), University of Paris VII


Diploma in sociology; University of Bielefeld
Thesis: Die Dezentralisierung der Produktion in Italien (The decentralisation of production in Italy)

Academic Positions:

Since 4/2007

Professor of Sociology with special attention to Social Stratification, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany
2002-2004 Founding member of the Post-Graduate Program in Social Sciences, Economics, Management Science and Law "Markets and Social Systems in Europe" financed by the German Research Foundation


Professor of European Studies in Social Sciences, Faculty for Social Sciences and Economics, University of Bamberg


Heisenberg-Researcher, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Post-habilitation grant from the German Research Council)


Acting professorships at the Universities of Saarbrücken, Cologne and Paderborn


Senior researcher at the Center for Technology Assessment in Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany


Assistant professor at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany


Research associate at the University of Bielefeld (project: "Introduction and Use of Production Planning Systems in French, Italian, and German firms")


Research associate at the University of Bielefeld (project: New Technologies and Options for a Different Use of the Workforce)


Research assistant at the "Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund" (Centre for Social Research; project: Labour markets and firms' recruiting strategies)


Research assistant at the University of Bielefeld (project: Work in Foundries")

Research Interests:

  • Social inequalities in Europe
  • Organizational, regional and national patterns of work, management and innovation
  • EU institutions; enlargement
  • Occupational Structures and Labour Market Processes

Professional Activities and Memberships


Member of the German Sociological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie)


Coordination of a student exchange program (ERASMUS) between the Universities of Bielefeld, Paris X, Rome, Bologna, Naples, Bari and Lisbon.


Member of the Founding Committee for the Institute of Sociology at the University of Leipzig (Gründungsausschuss)

Reviewer for among others: Journal of Sociology (Zeitschrift für Soziologie), Cologne Journal for Sociology and Social Psychology (Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie), Sociological Review (Soziologische Revue), European Planning Studies, Management International Review, Research Policy.

Scientific Awards


Heisenberg scholarship (DFG)


Award for young sociologists (International Sociological Association)


Benigsen-Foerder award 1991 of the state North-Rhine-Westphalia


Award of the University of Bielefeld for the best dissertation in 1988

Major Research Grants


Resources, rights and capabilities: in search of social foundations for Europe (European Commission)


Regional Learning in Multinational Companies (Application with the ISI Karlsruhe and the Robert-Schuman-University Strasbourg; financed by the Volkswagen Foundation)


Appointment as the "Jean Monnet Chair for European Studies in Social Sciences" (European Commission)


"The Open Method of Coordination. A way of modernizing national employment and social policies?" (German Research Foundation)


"Social dialogue, employment and territories: Towards a European politics of capabilities" (European Commission)


"Institutional Context of Organizational Innovation. A comparison of European Innovation Regimes" (Heisenberg award of the German Research Foundation)


"The Transformation of Central European Production Systems. A Comparison of Czech and Polish Transformation Paths" (with Prof. Dr. G. Schmidt; German Research Foundation)


"Changing Patterns of Domination in East German Firms" (with Prof. Dr. H.-J. Braczyk; German Research Foundation)


"Labour Relations in East German Firms" (University of Bielefeld)


"Interorganizational Networks in Eastern Germany" (Ministry for Science and Research; State of North-Rhine Westphalia)


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