
Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator
(information and consulting)

Janina Dott

Vice Dean for International Affairs

Prof. Dr. Ulla Licandro

Coordinator for Erasmus+ and Internationalisation

Prof. Dr. Gisela C. Schulze

Internationalisation in research

The Department of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation as well as the individual working and research groups are involved in various international cooperations, which are intended to promote and strengthen scientific exchange. The following pages provide an overview of current as well as past international projects.

Current projects

Internationalising teacher education

Within the framework of Lehramt.International and in the project Dimensions of Diversity in Teacher Education, teacher training at the University of Oldenburg is to be internationalized and mobility for study and teaching purposes promoted. It is carried out in cooperation with the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL (RUG) and the Nelson Mandela University, SA (NMU). More information on the project can be found here.

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