Studying abroad for Oldenburg students
Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator
(information and consulting)
Vice Dean for International Affairs
Coordinator for Erasmus+ and Internationalisation
Studying abroad for Oldenburg students

Are you looking for new experiences?
Would you like to acquire additional professional and intercultural skills and improve your foreign language skills?
Complete an exciting stay abroad!
The International Office offers general information on this topic.
Would you like to know what other students have to say about their stay abroad?
We spoke to four Education and Special Needs Education students about their stays abroad. In the interviews, they talk about their semester at a European partner university or their internship abroad. Find out what (professional) experiences they gained, what their stay abroad changed for them and what they would say to other students who are thinking about a stay abroad!
Semester abroad
The Department of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation is happy to assist you in choosing a suitable university.
Would you like to find out what your fellow students of (special) education experienced during their Erasmus+ semester abroad? You can find more information and tips here.
Below you will find more information about our partner universities, the application process and the recognition of achievements abroad.
Language skills
What language skills are necessary to complete a semester abroad?
The requirements are determined individually by each university - usually English proficiency between B1 and C1 is expected. Sometimes additional competencies in the local language (e.g. Spanish) are desired / required.
Please check the website of the university you would like to attend to find out which language level is required for a semester abroad. Often, a certificate does not have to be presented directly with the application - it is sufficient if you provide one before the semester starts.
In preparation for a semester abroad, you can take numerous language courses in English and other languages at our Language Center.
Under the following link you will find an overview of all European universities with which the University of Oldenburg cooperates - e.g. in Finland, Austria, Spain or Turkey. Here, a semester abroad is possible.
How to apply
The application period for an Erasmus+ stay starts 12 months before the academic year in which the stay is planned. This means that students can apply from October 1st for the following winter and summer semester. The first application deadline is January 2nd.
Missed the January 2nd deadline? Write to the Erasmus+ coordinator. You can apply until June 1st for remaining places for the following summer semester.
Application Process:
- Complete the online application to obtain an Erasmus study place.
- Submit the PDF printout of the online application together with a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) and a CV (incl. language skills) to the Erasmus+ officer (Departmental Coordinator) via e-mail. The documents must be received by e-mail by January 2 at the latest.
- The coordinator will confirm the Erasmus+ place at the beginning of February at the latest. The coordinator informs the student and signs the online application. This then must be submitted to the International Office (IO; by February 15 for places for the winter semester and by June 1 for remaining places for the summer semester.
- Subsequently, the nomination at the partner university will be made by the IO or the coordinator, so that your application can be made at the partner university.
- Please check the Erasmus+ checklist. All further steps are listed there in detail.
- Inform yourself about the selection of courses at the partner university. Please also contact the respective coordinator regarding learning agreements (see: Recognition of examinations taken abroad).
According to which criteria are the places allocated?
- Language skills: A good knowledge of English is required, between B1 and C1 (depending on the university). Previous knowledge of the language of the planned country of residence can be an advantage. It is also possible to take a language course at your host university - this is highly recommended
- Previous participation in courses in English at the University of Oldenburg is also advantageous.
- Personal motivation: You should argue convincingly why you would like to study abroad and why you have chosen this or these specific universities.
- If applying to more than one university: Write only one complete letter of motivation explaining which university is your priority 1, 2, etc.
(Online) Learning Agreement (OLA) and recognition of modules
Have you already received your desired place at a partner university? Congratulations! The next step is to fill out the (Online) Learning Agreement (OLA).
In general, it is possible to have the modules that you completed abroad credited to your studies in Oldenburg. For this, the Online Learning Agreement must be discussed with the respective professor before the stay abroad:
For Bachelor students of Special Education: Prof. Dr. Teresa Sansour
For Master students of Special Education: Prof. Dr. Clemens Hillenbrand
For Master students of rehabilitation education: Prof. Dr. Gisela C. Schulze
Further information on the recognition of examinations taken abroad can be found here.
Additional opportunities for stays abroad
Internationalising teacher education

Within the framework of Lehramt.International and in the project Dimensions of Diversity in Teacher Education, teacher training at the University of Oldenburg is to be internationalized and mobility for study and teaching purposes promoted. It is carried out in cooperation with the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL (RUG) and the Nelson Mandela University, SA (NMU). More information on the project can be found here.
Internship abroad with Erasmus+
You have the opportunity to complete an obligatory internship as part of your degree programme or an additional voluntary internship abroad. There are no special requirements for the voluntary internship. The exact requirements for the obligatory internship must be discussed with the respective module supervisor first.
Once you have clarified the formal aspects, you can start looking for a suitable internship. Various educational institutions, such as German schools abroad, are available for this purpose.
In order to receive Erasmus+ funding, the internship duration has to be between 2 and 12 months. More general information about the Erasmus+ internship can be found here.
School internships abroad: Schulwärts! by the Goethe-Institut
SCHULWÄRTS! arranges and supports internships at schools abroad supervised by the Goethe-Institut. Applications are open to students studying education and (prospective) teachers of all school types and subject combinations. The scholarship holders receive individual support before, during and after the internship.
Further information can be found here.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The DAAD supports both German students who want to spend time abroad and international students who come to Germany.
If you are interested, also have a look at the scholarship database.
Further possibilities for local international engagement
Buddy programme
Would you like to support international exchange students during their arrival in Oldenburg and at the start of the semester? Then find out more about the Buddy Program here!
Europa macht Schule - bringing Europe to the classroom

Would you like to promote Europe while studying? Would you like to promote international exchange in Oldenburg? Get in touch with the Koordinationsteam im DAAD or directly at – they will send you the link to register.
Do you need more information? Find out here how you can get involved and how being part of Europa macht Schule can help you develop personally!
We are looking for active site members!
After the stay abroad
Recognition of credits achieved abroad
Would you like to have the modules you completed abroad recognised for your studies in Oldenburg? Please remember to submit a corresponding application to the examination office after your stay.
Further information on the recognition of examinations taken abroad can be found here.
Back to School - We bring the world into the classroom

You would like to volunteer and share the experiences from your stay abroad with students and inspire them to go abroad themselves?
"Back to School" gives returning students the opportunity to visit schools in Germany and share their experiences from staying abroad. Together with a school class, you will conduct a (at least) 2 hours of interactive project about their host country and report on the possibilities of studying abroad.
You can find more information in the flyer or in the explanatory video: