Implementation of Inclusion in the Iraqi education system
Prof. Dr. Monika Ortmann
Phone: +49 (0)441/798-3742
Prof. Dr. Clemens Hillenbrand
Phone: +49 (0)441/798-3742
Implementation of Inclusion in the Iraqi education system

Implementation of Inclusion in the Iraqi education system
Duration of project: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019
Funding provider: DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), German Academic Exchange Service
Budget: ca. 200.000 €
Project leader:
Prof. Dr. Clemens Hillenbrand
Scientific collaborator:
Prof. Dr. Monika Ortmann
Sönke Thies
Student assistants:
Anna-Kristina Spellerberg, Anne Jördens, Amelie Schwedhelm, Janina Witte, Max Brüning
Cooperation and scientific partners:
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Universität Vechta
Universität Dohuk, Irak
Universität Garmian, Irak
Universität Mossul, Irak
Universtität Kufa, Irak
Universität Zakho, Irak
Cooperation project of the listed universities for the training of multipliers and for the development and implementation of a special education offer at the Iraqi partner universities with the overarching goal to contribute to the implementation of the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities within the Iraqi education system.
Legitimation and Goals
The scientific cooperation is based on the “Memorandum of Understanding / Agreement of Cooperation”, signed by the presidents and responsible deans of the two universities on the 30.06.2014.
The cooperation includes:
- research and teaching in basic research
- applied research with strong connections to social and educational fields (e.g. inclusion)
- exchange between lecturers and researchers
- student exchanges
- cooperation in the process of implementing the course of study “Disability Studies and Rehabilitation” as well as scientific support in research and teaching
- cooperation in the conception, development and formal as well as concluding evaluation of the curriculum of the newly implemented course of study “Disability Studies and Rehabilitation” in Dohuk
Project-related goals
- modernization and expansion of university teaching and practical aspects of the course of study “Disability Studies and Rehabilitation”
- research stays with a duration of several months by lecturers of Dohuk to gain a subject-specific qualification and to deepen scientific contacts
- process-oriented scientific support and evaluation of the new course of study “Disability Studies and Rehabilitation”
- changes in the attitude of Iraqi lecturers towards the value of fellow citizens with disabilities, e.g. acceptance and understanding of the right to education, care and social participation of everyone