Pädagogik und Didaktik bei Beeinträchtigungen der geistigen Entwicklung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung inklusiver Bildungsprozesse

Department of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation  (» Postal address)

JJW 2-201 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-2580  (F&P

Karoline Falk

Curriculum vitae

Voluntary social year as an integration helper at the Heinrich-Kielhorn-School, Hameln

Studies of Special Educational Needs and German language and literature at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (M.Ed.), main focus: Emotional and Social Development & Mental/ Intellectual Development

Teaching Assistant at the City Academy Bristol, England

Learning Assistant at Evergreen Primary Academy, Bristol, England

since 09.2020   
Research Assistant at the C.V.O. University of Oldenburg
at the Institute for Special educational Needs and Rehabilitation Education in the research group of Prof. Dr. Teresa Sansour Pedagogy and Didactics in Impairments of Intellectual Development with Special Consideration of Inclusive Educational Processes

Research Interests

Current Research project

Self-Concept and Achievement in the context of intellectual disability

One's own and others' constructions of performance influence the self-concept, since the (performance) evaluation feeds "the production of one's own self-concept" (Ricken, 2018, p. 55). School represents a central place where performance is constructed and performance comparisons take place (Ricken, 2018, p. 54). Various studies (Klauß, 2009; Martschinke et. al, 2012; Rauh, 1987; Sarimski, 2003; Schuppener, 2009; Szumski & Karwowski, 2019) indicate that there is a gap in research on the topic of (ability) self-concept in relation to the group of people with intellectual disabilities; the perspective of individuals with intellectual disabilities has hardly been included or used to gain knowledge (Klauß, 2009; Schuppener, 2009). This can be explained by the fact that reflective abilities, which are often seen as a prerequisite for the formation of one's own identity (Krappmann 2000), are partially denied to people with intellectual disabilities. 

In this qualitative doctoral project, constructions of achievement and their influence on the self-concept of students with intellectual disabilities will be investigated. Grounded theory forms the methodological framework. First, a systematic review will be conducted, which will serve as a theoretical basis for the constructivist-qualitative approach of grounded theory (Charmaz, 2011). The collection of own data is planned in the form of problem-centred (and, if necessary, material- or image-based) interviews with pupils and teachers in the special focus of intellectual development. The (preliminary) questions are: How do pupils with intellectual disabilities describe themselves in relation to their academic performance? How do people with intellectual disabilities construct performance? How do teachers construct performance in the context of intellectual disabilities?

POSTER Self-Concept and Achievement in the context of intellectual disability.pdf


Charmaz, K. C., & Puddephatt, A. J. (2011). Grounded Theory konstruieren. In G. Mey, K. Mruck, & G. Mey (Hrsg.), Grounded theory reader (2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. ed., S. 89-106). Wiesbaden: Springer.

Klauß, T. (2009). Identität, geistige Behinderung und seelische Gesundheit – eine Einleitung. In G. Dobslaw & T. Klauß (Hrsg.), Identität, geistige Behinderung und seelische Gesundheit. Dokumentation der Arbeitstagung der DGSGB am (Vol. 19, S. 4-12). 

Krappmann, L. (2000). Soziologische Dimensionen der Identität: Strukturelle Bedingungen für die Teilnahme an Interaktionsprozessen. Klett-Cotta.

Martschinke, S., Kopp, B., & Ratz, C. (2012). Gemeinsamer Unterricht von Grundschulkindern und Kindern mit dem Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung in der ersten Klasse. Erste Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zu Effekten auf sozialen Status und soziales Selbstkonzept. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 4(2), S. 183-201. 

Rauh, H. (1987). Frühe Kindheit. In R. Oerter & L. Montada (Hrsg.), Entwicklungspsychologie (Vol. 2, S. 131-203). 

Ricken, N. (2018). Konstruktionen der ‚Leistung‘. In S. Reh & N. Ricken (Hrsg.), Leistung als Paradigma: Zur Entstehung und Transformation eines pädagogischen Konzepts (S. 43-60). Wiesbaden: Springer.

Schuppener, S. (2009). Muss die Identität bei Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung beschädigt sein? In G. Dobslaw & T. Klauß (Hrsg.), Identität, geistige Behinderung und seelische Gesundheit. Dokumentation der Arbeitstagung der DGSGB am 14.11.2008 in Kassel (Vol. 19, S. 45-57). 

Szumski, G., & Karwowski, M. (2019). Exploring the Pygmalion effect: The role of teacher expectations, academic self-concept, and class context in students' math achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 59.

Self-concept in the context of intellectual disability
Achievement in the context of intellectual disability
Intellectual disability in an international context
Grounded Theory Methodology

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