
Student InfoLine

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Mo – Th  9:30 am to 4:00 pm
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SSC InfoDesk

Student Service Centre – A12

Mo         9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Tu - Th  9.30 am to 16.30 pm
Fr           9.30 am to 12.00 noon

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Area of specialisation - non-teaching profession

Area of specialisation - non-teaching profession

The area of specialisation for students in bachelor's and dual-subject bachelor's degrees who are not studying for teaching degrees are organised into three areas.

I. Interdisciplinary specialisation

This area includes modules which teach interdisciplinary theoretical and contextual knowledge, critical perspectives, methods, key content and the history of disciplines or the analysis of academic theory. The humanities and natural sciences can be studied together here. In general, this is a collection of modules which serve the purpose of orientation in a broad range of disciplines.

Modules are offered which consider the general methodologies of academic research and which are relevant for several disciplines. This area includes modules that offer insights into the theoretical models of education contexts and structured teaching and learning processes.

The courses offered include modules where students gain practical experience in applying their knowledge, experience group and leadership situations where they learn to cooperate, communicate and solve conflicts effectively, and learn career skills such as project and time management which strengthen their social skills and self awareness.

Modules 'Säule I'

II. Languages

In the field of languages, students have the opportunity to learn or improve their knowledge of other languages. The Language Centre is responsible for the content of language courses, additional courses may be offered by individual subjects.

Modules 'Säule II'

III. Subject-relevant courses

Subject-related courses include modules which specialise in an area which is closely related to the chosen subject.

The following subjects offer subject-related specialisation courses:

English Studies, Business Administration and Law, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering Physics, Protestant Theology and Religious Education, History, Computing Science, Material Culture: Textiles, Mathematics, Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies, Physics, Slavic Studies, Environmental Science, Business Informatics, Economics and Business Administration. 

Modules 'Säule III'

Which specialisation modules or programmes can I study?

In general, you can choose from all of the options in areas I to III with a total student workload of 30 ECTS credits points. However, if you plan to study a Master's degree afterwards, you should consider the modules recommended for your degree programme (these are in the subject-relevant appendices). These strongly recommend choosing subject-relevant modules with a student workload of up to 12 ECTS credits.

You also have the option of studying specific specialisation modules with a student workload of between 12 and 18 ECTS credits. On successful completion of a specialisation programme, you will receive a certificate which documents advanced study in the chosen area.

Specialisation programmes

Students who are not studying a teaching degree can choose their area of specialisation more flexibly. In addition to the existing specialisation modules and programmes you can choose from, you can also choose modules freely with a total student workload of 30 ECTS credits from Bachelor’s degree subjects according to your interests.

There are some exceptions with subjects which have entry restrictions: No compulsory module from subjects which have entry restrictions may be chosen in the area of specialisation; elective modules from these programmes may be chosen with a total of 18 ECTS credits per subject with entry restrictions, unless you are already enrolled in these subjects.

If you are unsure which Bachelor's degrees have entry restrictions for the coming academic year, you can check it:
Bachelor degree programmes with restricted admission

Please be aware that students who are following a specialisation module which is not part of the subject they are studying will be given a lower priority when registering for classes. If you would like to follow a module from another Bachelor's degree, you will need to check first with the module coordinator whether your knowledge of the subject is sufficient. You can only register for a module from another Bachelor's degree after the registration period for students who are enrolled in the relevant degree programme has expired and only if the module coordinator has given their approval and there are free spaces.

Which training modules will I follow?

You will follow training modules with a student workload of 15 ECTS credits. A training module consists of practical work and an accompanying course. You can choose from the following combinations:

  • Orientation internship (6 ECTS credits) and pre-vocational internship (9 ECTS credits)
  • 2 x pre-vocational internship (6 ECTS credits and 9 ECTS credits)
  • 1 x pre-vocational internship (15 ECTS credits)
  • Students majoring in special needs education can also take the following combination: practical module prx111 "Orientierungspraktikum im Handlungsfeld der Sonder- und Rehabilitationspädagogik" and practical module "Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum" (9 ECTS credits). 

Further details are regulated in Appendix 3 and 3a of the Bachelor's examination regulations; furthermore, the regulations of Appendix 3e apply to the module prx111. 
When choosing your training modules and company/organization, you should consider the conditions specified by the subjects. These can include more detailed regulations on training options.

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