Specialisation programmes
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Specialisation programmes
The area of specialisation gives you the opportunity to choose modules which suit your interests. On successful completion of a specialisation programme for students who are not studying for teaching degrees, you will receive a certificate. This certificate can be beneficial in application procedures to demonstrate that you have advanced knowledge in a specific area.
The following specialisation programmes are offered for students who are not studying for a teaching degree. Please note that the programmes have German titles and the translations are only for the general orientation.
Alttestamentliches Hebräisch
Old Testament Hebrew
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb117 Alttestamentliches Hebräisch I
- pb118 Alttestamentliches Hebräisch II
- pb269 Lektüre hebräischer Texte
Analyse von Fluchtprozessen und Arbeit mit Geflüchteten
Analysis of migration processes and working with refugees
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb273 Service Learning: Ehrenamtliches Engagement für Geflüchtete
- pb274 Forced Migration - Gendered Perspectives in Theory and Practice
The programme addresses current and existing global developments and challenges in the field of refugee aid and migration. It focuses on academic debates and critical reflection on topics such as refugee aid, migration, persecution, flight and asylum. Additionally, students are also required to volunteer to provide support and assistance to refugees.
The module “Service Learning: Volunteering to Help Refugees” is intended to both encourage students to undertake volunteer work to help refugees and to engage in academic debate and reflect upon the subject of refugee aid and migration.
The module “Forced Migration” focuses on key political questions concerning persecution, flight and asylum. The programme examines the situation in Germany as well as global developments. Gender-based perspectives play an important role here – especially with regard to the physical and structural violence experienced by refugees and which affects their lives.
Ausbildung zum Forschungstaucher
Training as a research diver
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- mar466 Ausbildung zum Forschungstaucher I
- mar467 Ausbildung zum Forschungstaucher II
be.INSTEP – Begleitung Internationaler in der Studieneingangsphase
be.INSTEP - Accompanying international students in the introductory period of their studies
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 18 ECTS credits points and consists of the following modules:
- pb388 Sprachbegleitung internationaler Studierender - Deutsch PLUS
- pb389 Interkulturelle Begleitung internationaler Studierender – Orientierung PLUS
- pb101 Basismodul I
- pb102 Basismodul II
The following applies to the choice of module: One of the modules pb388 and pb389 must be chosen, furthermore a total of 12 ECTS credits must be acquired from the modules pb101 and pb102 - the choice of language or languages is free. The languages that can be chosen are listed in point D.I.II.1 'Offer of the Language Centre'.
Basiswissen Religion
Basic knowledge of Religion
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb188 Religion/Ethik im Diskurs
- pb189 Praxisfelder in Religion und Ethik
Einführung in die Schulsozialarbeit
Introduction to school social work
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb238 Einführung in die Schulsozialarbeit
- pb239 Das Praxisprofil der Schulsozialarbeit
Erkennen, Wissen und Begründen
Recognition, knowledge and justification
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb010 Argumentation
- pb022 Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie
- pb036 Logik
This programme can be studied with a student workload of 12 ECTS credits by choosing two modules from pb010, pb022 and pb036, or alternatively all three modules can be studied with a student workload of 18 ECTS credits.
Module pb010 cannot be taken by Philosophy/Values and Norms students.
Iwrit (Modernes Hebräisch)
Iwrit (Modern Hebrew)
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb116 Iwrit (Modernes Hebräisch) I
- pb245 Iwrit (Modernes Hebräisch) II
Kultur und Sprache
Culture and Language
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb004 Transdisziplinäres Modul Kultur und Sprache I (Schwerpunkt Sprache)
- pb005 Transdisziplinäres Modul Kultur und Sprache II (Schwerpunkt Kultur)
Kustodische Praxis an Universitätssammlungen
Custodian practice at university collections
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb335 Universitätssammlungen: Geschichte, Potentiale, präventive Konservierung
- pb336 Forschende Zugänge zu universitären Sammlungsbeständen
Länderkompetenz China
Country competence China
This specialisation programme has a student workload of either 12 or 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb101 Basismodul I: Chinesisch
- pb102 Basismodul II: Chinesisch
- pb275 Kultur und Geschichte Chinas
If you choose to study this specialisation programme with a student workload of 12 ECTS credits (2 modules), you must take the modules pb101 and pb275. If you choose to study the specialisation programme with a student workload of 18 ECTS credits (3 modules), you must take all three modules.
The programme aims to offer Bachelor students the opportunity to develop their scientific profile, build up interdisciplinary and intercultural skills and acquire an additional qualification for career entry in addition to their main studies.
Länderkompetenz Niederlande
Country competence Netherlands
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb056 Niederländische Landeswissenschaft und Vermittlung
- pb101 Basismodul Niederländisch I
- pb102 Basismodul Niederländisch II
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb206 Einführung in die lateinische Sprache I
- pb207 Einführung in die lateinische Sprache II
Medienfaktur. Werkstatt für digitales Lehren und Lernen
Medienfaktur. Workshop for digital teaching and learning
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb380 Digitaler Unterricht
- pb381 Digitale Schule
Medieninformatik für Studierende musisch / künstlerischer Fächer
Media Informatics for Students of Music / Artistic Subjects
This specialisation programme has a student workload of either 12 or 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- inf980 Einführung in die Informatik
- inf018 Medienverarbeitung
- inf017 Interaktive Systeme
The speacialisation programme can be studied with a workload of either 12 or 18 ECTS credits. If you choose to study this specialisation programme with a student workload of 12 ECTS credits, you must take the module inf980 and one of the modules inf017 and inf018. If you choose to study the specialisation programme with a student workload of 18 ECTS credits, you must take all three modules. The module inf980 can be replaced by successfully completing the module inf003.
Musik für Studierende der Informatik
Music for Computer Science Students
This specialisation programme has a student workload of either 12 or 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb242 Musiktheorie für Studierende der Informatik
- pb243 Medienmusikpraxis für Studierende der Informatik
- pb244 Musikwissenschaft für Studierende der Informatik
If you choose to study this specialisation programme with a student workload of 12 ECTS credits, you must take modules pb242 and pb243. Alternatively, you can take all three modules with a student workload of 18 ECTS credits.
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb132 Einführung in die Nachhaltigkeit
- pb194 Textilien und Nachhaltigkeit: Mode - Medien - Marketing
- pb390 Chemische Prozesse zur Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe und Recycling von Materialien
- pb399 Handlungsfelder der Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften
Module pb132 is compulsory. In addition, one of the modules pb194, p390 and pb399 must be chosen. Requirement for taking pb399 is the successful completion of the module pb132.
Students who began their studies before the winter semester 2021/22 and who have already successfully completed the modules pb191 and/or pb213 according to the previous regulations can complete the programme according to the regulations that previously applied to them.
Neutestamentliches Griechisch
New Testament Greek
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb218 Neutestamentliches Griechisch I
- pb219 Neutestamentliches Griechisch II
- pb359 Griechische Lektüre des Neuen Testaments und der frühchristlichen Literatur
Philosophie und Gesellschaft
Philosophy and Society
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb80 Philosophie und Gesellschaft A
- pb81 Philosophie und Gesellschaft B
Professionalisierungsprogramme des Instituts für Philosophie
Project management
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 12 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb221 Projektmanagement I: Einführung
- pb222 Projektmanagement II: Ausgewählte Schwerpunkte
studium fundamentale
Studies fundamental
This specialisation programme has a student workload of 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb001 Natur, Technik und Gesellschaft
- pb002 Ästhetische Bildung
- pb003 Hermeneutik und Handlungsorientierung
Professionalisierungsprogramme des Instituts für Philosophie
Textilien und Nachhaltigkeit
Textiles and sustainability
This specialisation programme has a student workload of either 12 or 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb073 Ökostile
- mkt275 Projekt Textilökologie, Verbraucher:innenschutz und Nachhaltigkeit
- pb132 Einführung in die Nachhaltigkeit
- pb194 Textilien und Nachhaltigkeit: Mode - Medien - Marketing
If you want to study the programme with a student workload of 12 ECTS credits, you must take pb073 and either pb132 or pb194.
If you want to study the programme with a student workload of 18 ECTS credits, you must take pb073, mkt275 and pb132 or pb194.
Professionalisierungsprogramm "Textilien und Nachhaltigkeit" [pdf]
Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien
Transcultural inter-religious studies
This specialisation programme has a student workload of either 12 or 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb383 Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien
- pb117 Alttestamentliches Hebräisch I
- pb360 Transkulturelle Christliche Studien
- pb361 Transkulturelle Islamische Studien
- pb382 Interreligiöse Bildung
The module pb383 is compulsory.
- If you choose to study this specialisation programme with a student workload of 12 ECTS credits, you must choose one of the modules pb117, pb360, pb361 and pb382.
- If you choose to study this specialisation programme with a student workload of 18 ECTS credits, you must choose two of the modules pb117, pb360, pb361 and pb382.
Wirtschaft für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften
Economy for students of natural sciences
This specialisation programme has a student workload of either 12 or 18 ECTS credits and consists of the following modules:
- pb121 Wirtschaft für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften
- pb122 Ausgewählte Schwerpunkte zum Thema Wirtschaft für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften
- pb125 Wirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit
This programme can be studied with a student workload of 12 ECTS credits by choosing two modules from pb121, pb122 and pb125, or alternatively all three modules can be studied with a student workload of 18 ECTS credits.