Before you contact us

Please read through our website and in particular our FAQ before contacting us.

When contacting us by telephone, please also have your Student ID number (if already registered at our university) ready.


Klaus Wettwer

0441-798 2528

Moss Bohrer (keine Pronomen / they)

0441-798 4835


Telephone Office Hours:
Mo, Tue, Thu 10:00-12:30
Tue                 14:30-16:30

Office Hours (in person):
Tue               14:00-16:30
Thu               10:00-12:30

Frequently asked questions on recognition

Before contacting the Examinations Office, please see if your question is already answered on this page.
The questions are sorted by topic so that you can find the information you need quickly.

General advice, application, procedure

I would like to make use of nonbinding advisory services regarding recognition. Where can I do that?

You can seek a consultation from the recognition team of the Examinations Office during their office hours. Regarding subject-related questions you can turn to the recognition matters specialist of your subject or the respective module coordinator. Please note that a subject-related consultation does not indicate or ensure a decision regarding the recognition. For that an application for recognition is always needed.

An enrolment in the specific degree program is strictly necessary for concretization of recognition. A consultation before the commencement of studies can thus only ever contain a vague and nonbinding preliminary assessment. This will only be possible within a personal consultation appointment and not within an e-mail exchange.

Can I file my application for recognition directly with the subject representative or examining board?

No. You may seek a consultation from the subject representative. Subject-based decisions are, however, only viable if the formal criteria are met. Especially the legal framework must be in order for a recognition to be successful. This is checked by the Examinations Office.

Submit your application for recognition to the Examinations Office ( in accordance with the requirements. We will check the application regarding completeness, the legal framework and the formal criteria and then forward it to the competent examining board or a representative competent in the subject area appointed by the examining board. After a subject-based check your recognised achievements will appear in your grade listing on Stud.IP. You will receive a notification once they are.

You will only receive a written decision if your application for recognition is refused.

If my study periods and examinations are recognized successfully, will they count as part of my degree?

Successful recognition does not automatically mean that your achievements will count towards your degree. If you change to a degree programme with different examination regulations or change your focus of study (such as from a teaching degree to vocational teaching programme), it may be that credited achievements will not count towards your degree. If this is obvious when you apply for recognition, you will be advised that recognition is not worthwhile as it will not count towards your current programme.

I need to know how far my application for recognition is at this point in time or how high the chances are. How do I do that?

In general, the applications for recognition are processed chronologically by hand-in date. During the waiting time we ask you to not ask for a state of processing. You can see if your application has been forwarded to the responsible competent examining board or a representative competent in the subject area appointed by the examining board in your grade overview on Stud.IP.

Should you still wish to reach out with questions, please use the personal contact (office hours or phone call) rather than email. Your questions can be answered more quickly and extensively this way.

Should you need your application to be processed sooner than the waiting time due to specific, valid reasons (e.g. master studies application, registration thesis/dissertation, etc.) please reach out to us via the personal contact as well.

Change of study location

I would like to apply for recognition of a module that is marginally different in terms of profile, scope and/or a different form of examination.

Recognition is generally possible unless there is a substantial difference.  A difference of one credit will not be considered as substantial.

The form of examination is unimportant unless it is crucial for achieving the module objective (e.g. for practical examinations). Generally, the competence to be acquired is always the deciding factor in whether achievements can be recognised – regardless of the form of examination.

Can I obtain recognition of achievements from a Bachelor’s degree programme for a Master’s degree programme?

In principle, this is not possible. However, there are exceptions:

1) If the Bachelor’s degree programme involved is worth more than 180 credits, achievements from the advanced stage of the Bachelor’s degree programme can be credited towards a Master’s degree programme.   This is because Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, when studied consecutively, comprise a total of 300 credits. It is up to universities to determine the scope of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme. Following the recommendations of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK), a Bachelor’s programme comprises 6–8 semesters, and a Master’s programme comprises 2–4 semesters. (Example: when changing from a 7:3 structure to a 6:4 structure, this means that the 7th Bachelor’s semester formally counts toward the 1st Master's semester under the new structure).

2) In the case of Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programmes in the field of teaching, it is for universities to decide which (advanced) competences are offered in the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme. In this regard, Bachelor’s modules may count towards a Master’s programme, especially in the event of a change of study location, and similarly, Master’s students may be required to obtain any missing achievements at the Bachelor’s level if their admission to the programme is conditional on obtaining these achievements.

Additional achievements from a Bachelor’s programme cannot be transferred, as they usually do not correspond to the level of expertise required in a Master’s degree programme. Exceptions may apply to achievements that are subject to item 2.

I have not studied an equivalent module for the recognition of a particular module, but I have obtained the competences for this module. Can I still apply for recognition of this module?

If modules with a generally introductory character have not been studied at the previous university, but a completed degree has been obtained, introductory modules may be recognised as part of an overall consideration. For the recognised module, the overall grade of the degree will be transferred (or the grade of the corresponding area of competence). Specific competences that were not part of previous studies cannot be recognised as part of an overall assessment.

Change of degree programme

I changed degree programmes at the University of Oldenburg.Some modules in the new degree programme are identical to those in my previous degree programme. Can I apply for recognition of these modules?

Credit for identical modules will only be transferred if they are part of the curriculum of your new degree programme. You do not have to apply for recognition. Please contact your administration team informally and ask for the module credits to be transferred.

Please note that all modules that are transferable will also be transferred.
 This also includes failed attempts. Therefore, you cannot retake identical modules. If you do not want certain modules from your previous degree programme to be transferred to your current degree programme, there are two options:

  • You can opt to have these modules credited as exchange modules in the area of specialisation by submitting this form to your administration team. Application for admission to specialisation modules
  • You can apply for these modules to be indicated as additional achievements if they are optional in your current degree programme.

Modules that have been removed from the previous programme can only be used in the area of specialization.   They cannot be transferred to the new programme. This is because the new programme may also require the removal of certain modules. In some cases, transitional arrangements may apply that allow modules to be transferred to another programme.

Recognition of a module to replace another module within the same degree programme is generally not permitted since credit transfer is only possible between degree programmes and not within the same degree programme.

If modules are not identical, you will need to apply separately for recognition of these modules.

Can I have the educational sciences modules recognised for my studies after a change from teaching to non-teaching degree programme?

No. The educational sciences modules (biw210, biw215, biw220, biw225) are meant for students studying for a teaching degree.

Study Abroad

What do I need to keep in mind in regard to recognition of modules studied during a semester abroad?

Take the chance to be advised by the responsible people before heading abroad which modules/courses are possible for you and which are usable for recognition.

Close a Learning Agreement (required for ERASMUS stays, voluntary for most other stays abroad) and/or agree upon a clear assignment of modules for recognition and keep this in writing.

Make sure you receive official validated transcripts from your university abroad.

How are credits/units and grades from abroad converted?

The credit points/units and grades are converted by the examination’s office.
For more information regarding this, see here.


I have already completed vocational training. Can I have this recognised as an internship?

In a number of programmes, your vocational training can be recognised as an internship.   A list of eligible internships is given on the application form for recognition of study periods and examinations (German only). Antrag Anrechnung Praktikum

Please note the specific regulations. The relevant administrative team is responsible for the recognition of vocational trainings as internships. Please submit your application using the contact form und select the inquiry concern "Area of Specialisation".
AskOne (for Students)

I have already completed a non-university internship. How can I apply for recognition?

Unlike for completed vocational training programmes, only the practical component of an internship may be recognised.  The relevant module and associated examination still need to be completed. Further information can be obtained from the representatives of the relevant subjects. You do not need to apply for recognition. If your internship can be recognised, it will count towards the internship module.

Double Studies

I am studying two degree-programmes and would like to have the final thesis recognised for one of the two programmes. What is important to note?

The mutual recognition of a final thesis is generally possible. Should the two papers differ in extent (credit points), it is always the larger paper that needs to be done.

For a smooth process and better planning, we recommend informing yourself about the possibilities of recognition before registering the final thesis. For an interdisciplinary thesis for example, it might be required to have supervisors from both subjects and/or degree programmes.

The actual application for recognition should then be handed in after the thesis has been graded.

In case of recognition you have to prove the specific requirements for registering the thesis, latest by the end of your studies. You can find these requirements in your examination regulations and/or the annex of the regulations that deal with your subject.

For the graduation documents you need the Declaration on the Issuing of the Graduation Documents. You receive this form with the notice that you have been admitted to the thesis or from your respective administrative clerk in the Examinations Office.

Special regulations in Humanmedizin

Please see the German page for the FAQ.


Can I apply for the recognition of a component within a module?

Module components cannot be recognised, unless you have passed an examination. Please do not apply for the recognition of a module component. Whether and to what extent a module component completed elsewhere can be included in a module at the University of Oldenburg is ultimately the decision of the module coordinator.

Can I take an examination at another university?

No, as a student of the University of Oldenburg, you are subject to the examination regulations that apply at the University of Oldenburg. These examination regulations cannot be circumvented in this way.

However, different regulations apply if you take an examination while you are studying abroad.   These may count towards modules at the University of Oldenburg in accordance with Section 4, paragraph 3 of the Bachelor’s Examinations Regulations (BPO).

A recognition of modules where you have sat an exam and not passed is in general not possible, only as an exemption.

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