
Klaus Wettwer

0441-798 2528

Moss H. Bohrer (they/them)

0441-798 4835

Telephone office hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu 10.00-12.30
Tue 14.30-16.30

In-person office hour in the SSC building:
Tue 14.45-16.15
Thu 09.45-11.15


Anja Eilers-Schoof / Antje Beckmann

0441 798-4789 / 0441 798-4420

Office hours

Online office hours (initial consultation): In Stud.IP

Appointments via the PLAR event in Stud.IP. You must be logged in to Stud.IP to use the link.

Recognition of professional competencies

Knowledge, skills and competences from education, training and further education as well as professional activity can be credited to study modules if they are equivalent to the learning outcomes of the study programme.

The University of Oldenburg has set up a PLAR service (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Service) to support students with previous professional experience in the recognition of their qualifications.

Recognition of internships

The PLAR service is NOT responsible for the recognition of internships. In the menu bar on the left you will find an information sheet on the crediting options for extracurricular internships, for which most subjects have general regulations. To apply, please complete the form and send it to the Examinations Office together with the relevant supporting documents.

Overview of the procedure

1. Initial consultation

During the joint online office hours of the Examinations Office and the PLAR Service, we will discuss whether you are eligible to apply for recognition of your non-academic knowledge and skills. You can make an appointment via the PLAR event in Stud.IP.

Access the event

2. Portfolio and application

To get your credits recognised, you need to create a portfolio. This will contain the application form, your CV, a justification of your application for recognition and a comparison of the skills you have already acquired with the learning outcomes of the study modules you are aiming for, as well as a compilation of relevant documents. The PLAR service can support you in compiling the documents and creating the portfolio.

PLAR service

3. Review and decision

Your then submit the completed portfolio to the PLAR Service, who will forward it to the Examinations Office who will then send it to competent subject representatives, who will decide on the matter.

4. Result

After the decision on your application has been made, the credited study modules will be posted so that you can view them in your grade overview in Stud.IP. In the event of a rejection, you will receive a reasoned decision.

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