
Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein

Chairman of the doctoral committee
Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften

0441/ 798-4110

Annika Thomßen

0441/ 798-4717


Doctoral studies UNA


UNA stands for "Environmental Economics and Sustainability Management" and is a doctoral program of the Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities (3GO) and the School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Law of Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg.

The aim is to deepen expertise at the highest academic level both in one's own field and in related fields that are crucial for understanding environmental economic processes, in order to create the best possible conditions for one's own research. In addition, the acquisition of interdisciplinary and career-enhancing competencies is important in order to enable successful scientific work in a transnational world that goes beyond current research developments.

Upon successful completion, doctoral candidates of the doctoral program UNA receive a certificate accompanying the doctoral certificate about the additionally acquired qualifications.

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