
Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein

Chairman of the doctoral committee
Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften

0441/ 798-4110

Annika Thomßen

0441/ 798-4717


Programme Structure

Structure of the programme UNA

The doctoral studies programme UNA is integrated into the Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities (3GO) of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg.

The programme comprises an interdisciplinary curriculum aiming at deepening the proficiency and methodological skills in students’ respective fields of specialization as well as the acquisition of transferable competences.

Formal details pertaining to forms and rules of examination are laid out in the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung; currently available in German only), which in addition includes an overview of the programme structure and modules offered in the appendix. In case of language problems in understanding the regulations, academic supervisors or programme coordinators should be contacted for assistance. 

Successful completion of the UNA programme requires a minimum of 30 credits (KP, equivalent to ECTS), which are to be obtained from modules belonging to the subject areas A, B, and C. A minimum of 12 credits is to be acquired within area A, and 6 credits each in areas B and C. The remaining credits can be spread among the three subject areas by choice.

Subject areas

Subject area A: Deepening of knowledge in the field of specialization

Within this subject category, the focus is set on the acquisition of advanced knowledge and methodological skills in the research area of the doctoral dissertation.

Subject area B: Communicative competences

Courses (modules) belonging to this subject field aim at furthering communicative skills, e.g. pertaining to academic presentation techniques and research-oriented publishing. In addition, didactic competences for higher academic environments are emphasized.

Subject area C: Transferable skills

This subject area serves the acquisition of interdisciplinary competences and general qualifications required for the successful pursuit of a research career. Examples include courses on time management, research structuring, academic writing in English, or the acquisition of external funding.

Modules available within the subject areas comprise courses offered within Masters programmes as well as internal doctoral colloquia (Veranstaltungsverzeichnis). In addition, university-related schools and working groups as e.g. the Graduate School 3GO, the Language Centre, or the win-Werkstatt offer workshops and seminars, especially in areas B and C. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain credits, in agreement with the respective supervisor, by participating in external academic activities (e.g. workshops, conferences, or summer schools) or other projects that further the competences required for a successful doctoral dissertation.

The decision about awarding credits resides with the academic supervisor. Formal documentation of completed courses and acquired credits is made through the downloadable examination form (Modulprüfungsnachweisschein).

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