
Post-Idealist Concepts of Practical Reason

Research focus Post-Idealistic Concepts of Practical Reason

Bild In the context of the emerging era after 1800, a claim has been directed to reason, the denial of which would be a regression into self-inflicted immaturity. In fact, developments in the 19th and 20 Century rebutted the rational optimism associated with idealism. In this respect, the criticism Marx addressed to Hegel or Nietzsche's objection to science's faith in itself were right. However, what are the results of such a criticism of the rational idealistic pathos concerning the shape of social life in a global context? The discussion of this question is the subject of the research group ‘Post-Idealist Concepts of Practical Reason'. The Adorno Research Centre and the Hannah Arendt Research Centre are directly connected.


  • in cooperation with the Ernst-Bloch-Centre, Ludwigshafen: Genetisch-Historische Edition von "Das Prinzip Hoffnung".
  • J. Kreuzer (Hrsg.): Ernst Bloch, Zur Ontologie des Noch-Nicht-Seins, geplant in der Suhrkamp-Studienbibliothek für 2011.
  • J. Kreuzer, zus. mit S. Mülller-Doohm u. R. Klein: Adorno-Handbuch, Stuttgart (Metzler) 2011.
  • Hannah Arendt. Nachgelassene Schriften (Stand: laufend).


  • Rethinking Adorno, planned for 2011. 


  •  Ernst Block, Grundfragen der Philosophie. Ausgew. Schriften Bd. 1(hrsg. v. J. Kreuzer), Berlin 2010 - Gesellschaft und Kultur. Ausgew. Schriften Bd. 2 (hrsg. v. J. Kreuzer/U.Ruschig), Berlin 2010.
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