Language and Communication and its Special Educational Promotion with Special Regard to Inclusive Educational Processes

Our Research Group

Welcome on our homepage where you can find information on the persons, current research projects and publications of our research group.

Current Issues

Research Projects

Assessment and promotion of early literacy competences - Development of a digital process diagnostic tool with an integrated adaptive intervention concept for elementary and primary schools (EuLe-F)

  • Cooperation partners: Institute of Special Needs Development Promotion and Rehabilitation, University of Rostock
  • Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Project duration: 2021/09/01 until 2024/08/31

Project description

Within the framework of the project EuLe-F we will digitalize the diagnostic instrument EuLe 4-5 (Meindl & Jungmann, 2019) and advance it to a process diagnostic tool for early literacy competences in the transition from elementary to primary school. Building on this, we develop adaptive intervention possibilities for the areas of narrative competences, concepts of print, word awareness, script awareness and graphemic knowledge. The aim of the present project is the promotion of diagnosis-led, evidence-based early literacy intervention in elementary and primary school. To optimize the educational diagnostic process, we will consider the estimations of pedagogical professionals and teachers before implementing them into practice. This process is accompanied by formative evaluation. Above, we will assess the effectiveness of the adaptive educational diagnostic process on early literacy competences in participating children.

 “Inclusive teaching and learning settings in elementary social studies and science lessons” (ILLSU project)

  • Cooperation partners: Prof. Dr. Maja Brückmann, Prof. Dr. Anna-Maria Hintz, C.v.O. University of Oldenburg
  • Funding: Federal State of Lower Saxony, Innovation plus
  • Project duration: 2021/10/01 until 2022/09/30

The ILLSU project aims at linking teaching and research in offering (1) an innovative high school teaching concept and (2) evaluating the acquistion of competences in students. The innovative teaching concept persues the following sub-goals:

(1) The students structure experiments and learning contents according to the standards of       the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to allow a maximum of participation for all pupils.

(2) Formative assessments according to Hattie (2009) allow the evaluation of learning   success: students should be able to design and use settings for learning in a way that they are            able to monitor the skill level and the learning progress of their pupils in the ongoing learning process.

(3) The final product of the learning processes is the student´s ability to design learning settings that are sensible and sensitive to the learners´ diversity. They are able to use suitable task formats and forms in elementary social studies and science lessons.


Current monographs

  • Baldaeus, A.; Ruberg, T.; Rothweiler, M. & Nickel, S. (2021). Sprachbildung mit Bilderbüchern. Ein videobasiertes Fortbildungsmaterial zum dialogischen Lesen [Language support with picture books. Videobased teaching materials for advanced trainings of early education teachers]. Münster: Waxmann.
  • Gartmann, J. & Jungmann, T. (2021). Überall steckt Bewegung drin. Alltagsintegrierte Förderung motorischer Kompetenzen für 3- bis 6-jährige Kinder [Motion is Everywhere. Everyday Promotion of Motor Competences for 3- to 6-Year Old Children]. Munich: ERV.
  • Jungmann, T., Koch, K. & Schulz, A. (2021). Überall stecken Gefühle drin. Alltagsintegrierte Förderung emotionaler und sozialer Kompetenzen für 3- bis 6-jährige Kinder (3. Aufl.) [Emotions are               Everywhere. Everyday Promotion of Emotional and Social Competences for 3- to 6-Year Old Children]. Munich: ERV.
  • Jungmann, T., Miosga, C. & Neumann, S. (2021). Lehrersprache und Gesprächsführung in der inklusiven Grundschule [Teacher Talk and Conversation Techniques in Inclusive Elementary School]. Munich: ERV.

Current book chapters

  • Jungmann, T. & Fuchs, A. (2021). Sprachförderung [Language Promotion]. In A. Lohaus & H. Domsch (Eds.), Psychologische Förder- und Interventionsprogramme für das Kindes- und Jugendalter [Psychological Intervention Programs for Infancy and Adolescence] (2nd ed., pp. 85-99). Berlin: Springer.
  • Jungmann, T. (2021). Lese-Rechtschreibförderung [Reading and Writing Promotion]. In A. Lohaus & H. Domsch (Eds.), Psychologische Förder- und Interventionsprogramme für das Kindes- und Jugendalter [Psychological Intervention Programs for Infancy and Adolescence] (2nd ed., pp. 133-147). Berlin: Springer.

Current journal articles

  • Gornik, D. P., Tegge, L., Franze, M. & Jungmann, T. (2021). Alltagsintegrierte Sprachförderung im pädagogischen Alltag von Kindertageseinrichtungen – ein Fortbildungskonzept im Rahmen des GIF-Plus+-Projektes* [Language development support in everyday situations in day-care centers – a concept for further education within the GIF-Plus+-Project]. Praxis Sprache, 4/2021, 183-192.
  • Jungmann, T., Federkeil, L., Heinschke, F., Testa, T. & Klapproth, F. (2021). Distanzlernen während der COVID-19 Pandemie. Stressbelastung und Coping-Strategien von Eltern schulpflichtiger Kinder. [Distance Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Level of Stress and Coping Strategies of parents with school-age children]. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 53 (3-4), 71-81.
  • Klapproth, F., Holzhüter, L. & Jungmann, T. (in press). Prediction of students´ reading outcomes in learning progress monitoring: Evidence for the effects of gender stereotypes. To appear in: Journal for Educational Research Online.
  • Langer, J., Meindl, M. & Jungmann, T. (in press). Zusammenhänge sprachlicher und sozial-emotionaler Kompetenzen im Kontext der Professionalisierung pädagogischer Fachkräfte. [Interrelations between language and socio-emotional competences in the context of professionalization in day-care teachers]. Erscheint in: Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete.
  • Ruberg, T. (2021). Gender agreement in SLI: A study on production and inflection of articles in German. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, 28(2), 131-152. [open access]
  • ​​​​​​​Ruberg, T.; Rothweiler, M.; Veríssimo, J. & Clahsen, H. (2020). Childhood Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment: A study of the CP-domain in German SLI. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 23, 668-680. [open access]
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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