[Invited Talk 05.02.2021] Reisig
Prof. Dr. Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog
Ira Wempe
[Invited Talk 05.02.2021] Reisig
HERAKLIT. How to model reliable big systems.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reisig
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
HERAKLIT is an initiative for an infrastructure to model and to analyze large, computer embedded systems such as business processes and cyber-physical systems. The resulting models are more intuitive, expressive, analyzable and generally better usable than so far models.
We present a comprehensive case study to show how HERAKLIT covers and integrates diverging aspects, including
- Composition and refinement of large systems, by means of a universal, yet expressive composition operator
- Description of operational behavior without global states (which are unrealistic for large systems)
- Integration of real world items (such as goods, production processes etc.) with abstract items (such as data) in one model
- Compositional verification of decisive properties of such systems
For more details see heraklit.dfki.de/