Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung - Didaktisches Zentrum (DiZ)

Description of the graduate program

Learning in Transition – empirical analysis and modelling of practical phases in teacher education

The Program’s Content

"Learning in Transition – empirical analysis and modelling of practical phases Bild
in teacher education" is based on educational research in different subjects as well as on general educational research in teacher education. The program focusses on learning processes of student teachers. Practical phases (internships at school) are obligatory parts of the teacher training at German universities. They provide a transitional phase where theory and practice come together. These phases are analyzed in the light of different school subjects. Furthermore, the dissertation projects explore the dual role of student teachers as learners and teachers.

The Interdependence of Learning Processes

The main aim is to develop a model that illustrates the interrelation of theoretical knowledge gained at university, and practical competences necessary for teaching, in the learning processes of student teachers.

This model will include interdisciplinary principles while maintaining subject-specific ways.

The research results are also an important basis for the quality assurance of teacher education in the first phase, particularly in view of the possible restructuring of teacher training.



The Doctoral Program

Fifteen doctoral students from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg hold a Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-scholarship.

These scholarships are granted by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony. The program is running from April 2013 until September 2016.

The program provides seminars and research-colloquia with experts form Oldenburg and from external institutions.

In addition, workshops with all members of the program are offered to exchange views on current issues. They provide a platform to discuss the dissertations in an interdisciplinary context. By this structure the doctoral students are broadly qualified for further work in schools, universities or other institutions dealing with teacher training. The presentation of results at national and international congresses as well as the International Workshop “Learning in Transition” in June 2015 completes the training.

The program is characterizes by:

  • intense supervision by a team of research experts,
  • development of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research-skills,
  • networking within the research community,
  • introduction of strategies how to publish and apply scientific results.
diz-Webmaster (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p9782en | # |
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