Contact points for managers in science

Anja Kruse
Specialist and management development

+49 (0)441 798-4653

V01 3-315

Samira Sassi
Appointment Management

+49 (0)441 798-2629

V01 3-305

Managers in science

Academics take on various leadership roles at the university.
Be it in the supervision of students and doctoral candidates, as head of a junior research group or a chair, but also in the rotating assumption of leadership positions in academic self-administration (e.g. dean). The University of Oldenburg supports all its academics in the performance of these responsible and diverse tasks.

Leadership in science

Even for experienced academics, the issues of leadership and supervision remain central. A chair must be managed and the research work of doctoral students must be supervised. To help them meet these diverse requirements, Human Resources Development offers the "Leadership in Science" management program, which provides input and skills training as well as space for individual topics and networking.

Program "Leadership in Science"


The supervision of doctoral candidates by experienced academics is an important component of supporting academics in the early stages of their careers. Excellent supervision is essential for the quality of doctoral candidates' academic work. As a supervisor, you not only provide academic supervision, but also monitor the research process, provide support in scheduling and structuring the doctorate and convey the principles of good scientific practice.

The University of Oldenburg supports all supervisors in their diverse supervisory tasks with information and workshops.


Experienced female postdocs who are aiming for a permanent leadership position in science or who are perhaps already facing their first appointment as a junior professor and junior research group leader would like support in decision-making and career planning. Support from an experienced scientist as a mentor can be crucial during this time. The Graduate Academy offers the "Progressio" mentoring programme.

Good scientific practice

The university is committed to communicating the principles of good scientific practice, which are the core of scientific work, at central and decentralized level in the faculties. Together with the ombudspersons, the Committee for Good Scientific Practice provides information on the principles of good scientific practice and is involved in the event of violations or scientific misconduct. The OLTECH Graduate School regularly offers workshops on good scientific practice. The Graduate Academy provides licenses for an e-learning course on good scientific practice.

University Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The University Teaching and Learning in Higher Education programme is aimed at all lecturers at the university and is therefore also open to experienced lecturers. The acquisition of further university academic teaching skills and methods is organized with maximum flexibility - for example, you can also attend individual modules of the University Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Certificate Programme. The Team will be happy to advise you.

Mentors wanted

The University of Oldenburg runs mentoring programmes for academics in different career phases: the program "Perspektiven. Wege in die Wissenschaft" programme (in German) is aimed at doctoral students in the final phase of their dissertation and early postdocs who are aiming for an academic career.
The program "Progessio. Successfully shaping top positions in science" is aimed at experienced female postdocs and junior professors who are "on the jump" to the top.

You can get involved as a mentor for both lines! Not only will you accompany your mentee for about a year and share your valuable knowledge and experience, but you can also take part in various events of the supporting program (workshops, lecture evenings, etc.).

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