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Conference "Asymptotic analysis and spectral theory" (Oldenburg, 2022)

Update (2024). The next edition is going to take place in Metz (France) on September 23-27, 2024: LINK

Schedule: HERE (updated on 26.09.2022).

Conference Aspect'22

Asymptotic Analysis & Spectral Theory

Oldenburg Hafen

The conference Aspect'22 "Asymptotic Analysis & Spectral Theory" will take place on September 26-30, 2022, in Oldenburg (Oldenburg). The meeting is supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule - Université franco-allemande and the Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg e.V.


This is the fifth meeting of a series (previous editions: Mainz-2012, Orsay-2015, Trier-2017, Orsay-2019). The main topics of the meetings are the spectral analysis of differential or finite-differerence operators and related topics of mathematical physics, which includes eigenvalues of Laplace-type operators with various boundary conditions, quantum-mechanical operators (Schrödinger, Dirac) and operators on graphs. In this edition, a special attention will be given to asymptotic methods (semiclassical methods, asymptotics/localization of eigenfunctions, variation/accumulation of eigenvalues) and singularities (non-smooth boundaries, Schrödinger/Dirac operators with singular potentials etc.). We aim to encourage new interactions between researchers from various communities working on these topics.

This edition is organized by  Victor Nistor (Metz) and Konstantin Pankrashkin (Oldenburg), who are supported by the scientific committee: Monique Dauge (Rennes), Daniel Grieser (Oldenburg), Olaf Post (Trier), Boris Vertman (Oldenburg)

Invited speakers

The deadline for the submission of talk proposals is over.

Several additional participants can be accepted: please contact Konstantin Pankrashkin (konstantin.pankrashkin@uol.de)

Conference location

Travel information

Talks and participants

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