Equal Opportunities Officer
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Network and system administrators
Prof. Dr. Daniel Grieser
Institute of Mathematics University of OldenburgD-26111 Oldenburg
49-441-798 3230 (sec.: -3247, fax: -3004
Office: Oldenburg-Wechloy campus, Carl von Ossietzky Straße, W1 2-209
- Winter term 2023/24:
- Lecture Functional Analysis
- Advanced seminar Analysis
- Former courses
- Scripts etc.
- The other bibliography
- Books:
Currently my main research interests are in partial differential equations, geometry and analysis of singular spaces and global analysis. Further mathematical interests include mathematical physics, differential geometry and combinatorics.
Publications/Publications and Preprints
Recent papers:
- Geodesics orbiting a singularity (with J. Lye), Journal of Geometry, vol 115 no 1 (2024),, arXiv.
- The Calderón Projector for Fibred Cusp Operators (with K. Fritzsch and E. Schrohe), Journal of Functional Analysis, vol 285 no 10 (2023),, arXiv.
- Spectral geometry on manifolds with fibred boundary metrics I: Low energy resolvent (with M. Talebi and B. Vertman), Journal de l'École polytechnique - Mathématiques 9 (2022), 959-1019.
Verschiedene Links / Various Links
Beauty and elegance in mathematics(Interview on 29 June 2011, approx. 55 min.)
- Wikipedia Mathematics (German)
- Wolfram MathWorld, Wolfram Alpha
- History of mathematics
- Encyclopedia of integer sequences (German)
- Preprint archive
- Zentralblatt der Mathematik, MathSciNet
- For friends of large prime numbers
- Mathematical societies: DMV, EMS, AMS, IMU
- Animated Math Videos: 3blue1brown
- Plan international, Amargosa Opera House