be.INSTEP - Accompanying international students in the Study Entry Phase

Clara Liehmann

Language Centre  (» Postal address)

A15 0-006 (» Adress and map)

Mittwoch 14-15 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

+49 441 798-2697  (F&P


The module pb389 Intercultural Support for International Students - Orientation PLUS only takes place in the summer semester.


To register for the modules in be.INSTEP, please go to StudIP. You will find our modules in the area of specialization, außerschulisch, Säule "Überfachliche Professionalisierung".


More about the International Study Entry Phase INSTEP

Area of specialization program "be.INSTEP"

INSTEP - International Study Entry Phase - is a program to improve the study entry phase of international students. With be.INSTEP, you can be a part of it and have the opportunity to accompany international students during the preparation for their studies or during their first semesters and thus support them in their arrival at our university. If you also take two basic modules in the area of language and thus deal with the topic of language - and what learning a new language entails - you will then receive a certificate of participation in the area of specialization.

You can attend the following modules within the framework of be.INSTEP.

1a) pb388 - Language Support for International Students - Deutsch PLUS (6 KP)
1b) pb389 - Intercultural Support for International Students - Orientation PLUS (6 credits)

2) pb101 - Basic Module 1 (6 CP) 3) pb102 - Basic Module 2 (6 CP)

In total, you can acquire 18 KP in the area of specialization of your degree programme (außerschulisch).

Clara Liehmann (Changed: 05 Jul 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: | # |
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