BIS-Databank "hazards of chemicals and chemical reactions"

The university library provides a new database. This contains a collection of hazards of chemicals and hazards of chemical reactions. Among other things, the following information can be found in it:

    Hazardous reactants to over 1750 substances.
    Descriptions of hazardous reactions
    Description of expected hazards
    Table of resulting fire gases with information on hazards
    Labeling of substances according to substance directive and GHS/CLP
    Accident reports as further information from practical experience

    Easily recognize hazardous reactants
    Avoid chemical accidents in the plant
    Correct risk assessment

Access is through the library. How to find the collection show the follow link:

collection of hazards of chemicals and hazards of chemical reactions


Martina Jäger (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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