Annabelle Jandrich
Head of Department Educational Media & Learning Design
T +49(0)441 798-4643
Die Online-Lernumgebung C3LLO
Your digital learning world for flexible learning
Learn when and where you want - with C3LLO. We have developed the C3L online learning environment especially for our part-time degree courses and continuing education courses. C3LLO makes learning easy, flexible and efficient:
Before you start, you will receive access to C3LLO and can get to know the digital learning world at your leisure.
Why C3LLO?
Our digital learning world is precisely tailored to the needs of working students.
Short on time? No problem!
C3LLO's clear, intuitive structure ensures that you can concentrate on what's important: Your learning content.
Start now with C3LLO and begin your learning journey!