Data & Facts

General Information

  • Founded in 2006 through a merger of several precursor institutions with 30 years of experience
  • Currently one of Germany's largest scientific centers for lifelong learning, with nearly 70 staff members
  • Since 2011, located on the Lifelong Learning Campus

Courses and Activities

  • Part-time study programmes for professionals: Two Bachelor's and four Master's degree programmes
  • Continuing higher education: Four contact study programmes, seven certificate programmes and tqo training courses in psychotherapy
  • Public Science: The KinderUniversität, courses for guest students, and the lecture series Uni am Markt and Grenzkontakte
  • Research and development: Continuing education, learning and teaching with new media and educational technology, education and science management, quality-assured credit transfer procedures, and quality management
  • Technology and support: e-learning platform, media support, and didactic design


  • 400 participants in degree programmes
  • 640 participants in continuing higher education courses
  • 80 participants in psychotherapy training courses
  • 1,000 guest students

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(Changed: 04 Dec 2024)  | 
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