Founded in 2006 through a merger of several precursor institutions with 30 years of experience
Currently one of Germany's largest scientific centers for lifelong learning, with nearly 70 staff members
Since 2011, located on the Lifelong Learning Campus
Courses and Activities
Part-time study programmes for professionals: Two Bachelor's and four Master's degree programmes
Continuing higher education: Four contact study programmes, seven certificate programmes and tqo training courses in psychotherapy
Public Science: The KinderUniversität, courses for guest students, and the lecture series Uni am Markt and Grenzkontakte
Research and development: Continuing education, learning and teaching with new media and educational technology, education and science management, quality-assured credit transfer procedures, and quality management
Technology and support: e-learning platform, media support, and didactic design
400 participants in degree programmes
640 participants in continuing higher education courses