Adobe Digital Editions Help

Installation guide for Adobe Digital Editions

1. Finish installing or uninstalling any other applications. 

Remember: To use Digital Editions the Flash Player is required!
You can find it here:

2. Click the link to download Digital Editions.

3. Click to install Adobe Digital Editions.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

5. Choose which optional components to install:

  • Start Menu Shortcuts: Creates shortcuts to the Digital Editions program, help web page, home page, and uninstall program.
  • Desktop Shortcut: Creates a shortcut on your desktop to Digital Editions.
  • Quick Launch Shortcut: Creates a shortcut to Digital Editions in the Quick Launch bar.
  • Start Adobe Digital Editions: Starts Digital Editions after installation.

 6. Specify a location for the program and start the installation. 

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