Prof. Dr. Terry Anderson

Professor Emeritus
Career, Research Areas, and Projects
Terry Anderson PhD is a Professor Emeritus and former Canada Research Chair in the Centre for Distance Education and the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Centre at Athabasca University - Canada’s Open University. Terry has published widely in the area of distance education and educational technology and has co-authored or edited nine books and numerous papers. He is also Editor Emeritus and served as Editor for 10 years for the International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, which is the mostly widely read and cited English language, peer-reviewed journal in this field.
Much of Terry’s research work revolves around studying interaction amongst and between students, teachers and content. His pioneering work with Randy Garrison on the Community of Inquiry model (1999) investigating social, teaching and cognitive presence has been widely read and serves as theoretical basis for much distance education delivery and research. His development of an Interaction Equivalency Theory (2003) is used to support moving education provision to scale. His work with Olaf Zawacki-Richter produced the edited book Online Distance Education Research: Towards a Research Agenda (2014) provides expert summary and commentary on the most important distance education research issues. Most recently he has been working and collaborating with colleague Jon Dron on applications of social media to support both formal and informal learning summarized in Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media (2014). He and Jon Dron have developed a ‘boutique” social network (see to extend communications offered via Learning Management systems(LMS).
Terry’s books and research articles have, since 2004, been published under open access licenses so as to maximize their availability to all distance education practitioners, students and researchers.
Terry was active in provincial, national, and international distance education associations and is a regular keynote presenter at professional and academic conferences. Many of his slide show presentations are available on SlideShare at
Terry’s homepage is at Twitter at Terguy.
Selected Publications
A complete listing of Terry’s publications can be found on his Google Scholar profile: