

Birgit Schelenz

Tel.: 0441 789-4384

Fax: 0441 789-4379

Student Assistant

Marie Hennecke


Environment and Sustainability-Oriented Initiatives of Students

There is also great commitment to environmental and sustainability issues in the student body. In addition to initiatives and projects devoted to the environment and conservation, such as the Environmental Education Working Group and the Conservation Working Group, the University of Oldenburg also has many students’ initiatives dedicated to sustainable economic management

  • sneep is a platform for student interested in sustainable management, Corporate Social Responsability and eco-social market economics.
  • NachDenkstatt is a yearly conference (usually in November) with workshops organised by students for students in cooperation with experts from university and economy.
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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