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Your commitment for the next NachDenkstatt

Look into problems and develop possible solutions for a sustainable society!

Co-organize a workshop!

Get involved in different organizational teams: atmosphere, finance, marketing, logistics, framework programme and catering!

Gain experiences in project and event management!

Work within a great team and have a lot of fun!



The student initiative NachDenkstatt is a transdisciplinary work platform at the University of Oldenburg that advocates for a future-proof and sustainable society by initiating regional transformation processes.

The NachDenkstatt was founded at the beginning of 2012 by committed SEM students out of the motivation to bring sustainability topics from science into practice and to implement teaching content into concrete projects. With the aim of initiating long-term transformation processes for a sustainable and future-proof society, the initiative at the University of Oldenburg established a transdisciplinary work platform under the motto “Together. Change. Think.". The heart of the NachDenkstatt is the workshop conference of the same name, at which actors and experts from science and practice (politics, administration, business and society) work with the participants to develop practical solutions to issues in the context of sustainability. Methodologically, the working platform is based on the transdisciplinary approach, the method of sustainability science, in order to design the initiated processes as efficiently and effectively as possible.

The NachDenkstatt will continue in 2023! This year it will take place from 02-04. June on the premises of the University of Oldenburg. Look forward to exciting workshops in the areas of economics, ecology and politics. As every year, these are embedded in a varied supporting program.

For more information, follow NachDenkstatt on Instagram or LinkedIn or sign up for the newsletter on our website!



In 2012 and 2013, the NachDenkstatt dealt, among other things, with the energy transition in the Weser-Ems region, the role of companies in education for sustainable development, the relationship between sustainability and regional food supply, sustainability in popular sports, environmental commitment in educationally disadvantaged milieus, Art in consumption and other topics (Video 2012 und Video 2013).

In 2014, the NachDenkstatt also addressed various sustainability-related topics: avoiding packaging in the food industry, sustainable supply chains in the textile industry, improvisational theater and sustainability (improvising change), misunderstandings of the financial system and from having to being (Video 2014).

In 2015, the workshops from knowledge to action, shaping community, food - how our diet determines the future, scars of clothing, what actually is globalization? and sustainable tourism (Video 2015).

In 2016, workshops were offered on the topics of consumer criticism, structural freedom and stumbling blocks, ecological consistency and the interaction of digitalization and sustainability (Video 2016). This year the NachDenkstatt was awarded the Student Environmental Prize from the German Environmental Foundation.

In 2017, the NachDenkstatt's workshops dealt with deceleration and mindfulness, with the area of ​​microplastics, its recycling and plastic avoidance, with a sustainable food system and global structures of inequality (Video 2017).

The NachDenkstatt in 2019 dealt with the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence, gross national happiness and ecosystem services using the example of bees and water (Video 2019).

(Changed: 04 Sep 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p28321en
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