on-line adsorption unit

Welcome at our internet controlled adsorption unit IngA!

You may test our adsorption unit right now, at any time and without big effort. Please read the information below the headline "Online experiment (direct access)" on this page.

You can also use the rig if you first read the learning units (lecture no­tes to the practical course and description of the apparatus) and then start with the experiments. For technical reasons the learning units can not be provided on these pages. You can find the learning units on the server of the FIZ Chemie in Berlin. More information are given below the headline "Learning units at 'Chemgapedia.de'" on this page.

Please watch the video to obtain more detailed instruction for conducting the experiment.­

Online experiment (direct access)

You can perform the adsorption experiments with a real adsorption unit. The complete control, monitoring and data acquisition is done by your current standard browser.

Please note: 

(i) You need a personal login to operate the adsorption unit.

(ii) If a firewall is running on your computer or within your local area network problems can occur. In that case, please contact us! ­

Adapt your personal computer as follows: (Open webStart you find here)

The online experiment proceeds in three steps:

1. The user management is done by the head of the practical course. If you are interested in performing some experiments and if you don´t have a personal login yet please contact the head of the practical course via e-mail. You get a confirmation of your registration, a user name and a password. These login information are exclusively for the use of the adsorption apparatus.

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user management (administrators only) 

2. If you are registered for the experiment you may book time for the experiment. This time can be chosen freely according to availability. The maximum experiment time is 4 hours. Please do not book time for an experiment more than once. To prevent abuse, login is disabled if you have entered multiple bookings. Please note that there have to be at least 30 minutes between two bookings.

3. Also note that after finishing a booking an error message is displayed wrongly. Nevertheless, please check if your chosen time is entered in the database correctly.

Booking measurement time    The required time must be booked as Middle European                                                        (Summer) Time.

4. Within the booked time your are able to operate the adsorption apparatus. By entering your user name and password you get access to the unit. We recommend to perform the experiments in the given sequence. With a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixel the scheme of the unit will be shown completely with full screen mode of your browser.

Note! When you have been logged in prior to your registered time slot, the system offers you an apparent active screen whrere you cannot change parameters.

Considere differences in time of several servers. Better to log-in a few minutes later than too early!

Since the new generation of browsers does not support Java Applets, the login-procedure becomes more complicated: 

press:  OK

press: Ausführen

Press: Nicht blockieren

Press: Ausführen

Note: It can take up to 60 s until the following image appears!

Using your log-in data you can now start the experiment. Choose the required experiment listen below:

The whole system is still in test stage. If you discover any errors please contact

Learning units at "Chemgapedia.de"


We very regret that materials listened below are actually not available due to technical and legal problems of the host.

You can find the lecture notes with the descriptions of the adsorption unit and the experiments on the pages of "Chemgapedia.de". To display mathematical formulas and multimedia content correctly different plugins are necessary. A list of these plugins and a test if they are installed on your computer can be found at "Chemgapedia.de" under "technical requirements"

You can find the learning units on the following pages:


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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