Study Coordinator

Dr. Iva Bacic

W3 01-173 (» Adress and map)


The main goals pursued by the Institute of Chemistry in the field of study and teaching are a founded education in chemistry as well as the imparting of interdisciplinary and personal skills to the students, which enable them to confidently enter the working world and professional life.

From the beginning of their studies, students are introduced to the independent examination of subject-specific problems and their solutions.

Basic theoretical knowledge in chemistry is practically implemented and applied, deepened and expanded by exercise courses and laboratory activities embedded in the study programmes. The active participation of the students in current research projects of the institute is particularly focused on in higher semesters: While students develop their own research questions and conduct individual research, the professors and institute staff advise and mentor them in their activities. From the start, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own personal development. The study plan includes elective areas that offer students opportunities to shape their programme individually and according to their own interests. The institute actively supports and encourages them to gain international experience. Furthermore, extracurricular offers can add to the studies in a meaningful way.

The goals and characteristics described in the Teaching at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg – Mission Statement, and in the Teaching philosophy of Faculty V, as well as the strategy paper of the institute are also pursued in the field of study and teaching: university education, learning processes and study success, research-based learning, and quality assurance and development. Building on and corresponding to the solid knowledge in the core subjects of chemistry the teaching at the Institute of Chemistry is shaped by the topics of sustainability, innovative concepts, future-oriented competence acquisition and the confrontation with current challenges of society.

A significant feature of the study and teaching at the Institute of Chemistry is the contact and exchange between the teaching and faculty staff and the students!

Thus, graduates of the Institute of Chemistry are confident and competent chemists and personalities who are able to shape society in a reflected way.

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