
Study and Career Counselling Service

Simone Brühl
Career Counselling
Doctoral Candidates and Prospective Doctoral Candidates

+49 (0)441-798 2655

Job Portals for Doctoral Researchers



The University of Oldenburg supports doctoral researchers in their career planning in multiple ways: on the one hand the Graduate Academy offers workshops and coaching programmes that specifically deal with career planning. These workshops and programms are exclusively open to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and aim to support career planning both within and outside of academia, and in the decision between the two. 

The Department for Research and Technology Transfer offers individual information and advice related to funding possibilities. For doctoral candidates there is information on university and other funding sources (specifically related to financing the PhD) as well as the relevant contact information.

The Doctoral Candidate Counselling at the Study and Career Counseling Service supports (prospective) doctoral candidates during transitions between stages of their academic and professional career (PhD/PostDoc/entry level jobs). We work with PhD candidates to clarify professional goals, to develop career options and to answer questions on how to start a career inside and outside of academia. The annual CareerDay of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg offers information on companies and networking opportunities for future professionals and leaders.

If you are interested in higher education and science management, the C3L - Center for Lifelong Learning offers a possibility to prepare for executive positions in higher education, research and science institutions. In addition to the MBA degree, the certificate structure in particular offers the opportunity to discuss current topics with experts and professionals from this field and to build up and maintain a personal network.

The Founding and Innovation Center (GIZ) offers support in case you consider founding your own company based on your scientific insights.

The current job offers of the University Oldenburg can be found on the university's website.

Taking career steps outside academia – during the PhD

In addition to contact seminars, mentoring programmes, coaching and workshops, the practical phase was one of the formats offered by the Innovative Hochschule Jade-Oldenburg as part of the "KarriereWege" (Career Paths) sub-project to accompany doctoral students from all disciplines in their exploration of non-academic career paths in the region. With the support of the IHJO, doctoral students were given the opportunity to transfer - in the course of the practical phase - theory into practice for a limited period of time and to prepare for the transition into the regional labour market through their own projects.

A practical phase during the PhD is generally also possible independently of the Innovative Hochschule Jade-Oldenburg. Please consult with your supervisor as well as possibly the respective Promotionsausschuss and check the respective doctoral regulations (Promotionsordnungen).

Brochure "KarriereWege" (only available in German, unfortunately)

Over a period of four years, the IHJO's  team „career paths” has jointly supported students and doctoral candidates in preparing themselves for the requirements of the regional labour market. The team „career paths” interdisciplinarily connected this target group with employers, promoted interdisciplinary competences and enabled them to gain practical experience at an early stage.

You can now download these findings free of charge as part of the brochure „KarriereWege. We not only want to give you some tried and tested career tips that can be very helpful from our experience, but also encourage you to self-reflect on your individual career planning. After all, what it will be good for later is completely up to you!

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