Contact PhD Council
Contact Staff council
Members of the staff council are not only the board members but also the representative of severely disabled individuals as well as the youth and apprentice representative.
Representation of PhD Candidates
Representation at the
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
The doctoral candidates and postdocs are represented by a wide range of bodies at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
PhD Council
The task of the PhD Council (Promovierendenvertretung) is to consult about issues related to doctoral candidates and to give advice to the university’s bodies.
Staff council
The staff council (Personalrat) represents the interests of the employees of the University of Oldenburg. Research staff(Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen) may consult the staff council, for example, regarding questions related to employment contracts. Furthermore, the staff council pools relevant current information and offers consultation and assistance with regard to the following topics:
- collective agreement and transitional arrangement (Tarifvertrag-Land (TV-L) und die Übergangsregelungen (TVÜ))
- assessment structure (Beurteilungswesen)
- transfer of holiday leave in case of illness
Moreover, the staff council draws attention to important information for researchers of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg on recruitment policies (Einstellungsrichtlinien), operating agreements(Dienstvereinbarungen) and other agreements.
Postdoc Representation
The University of Oldenburg has one Postdoc representative who lobbies for the interests of postdocs. This positin is currently unfilled. Should you be interested in taking on this position, please contact the Graduate Academy. The postdoc representative also organises the informal postdoc meetup.
Representation of severely disabled individuals
The representation of severely disabled individuals (Schwerbehindertenvertretung) of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg represents the collective interests of all employees with a severe handicap as well as for their equals and supports through consultation and assistance.
The tasks of the representatives, who are elected by the severely disabled employees of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, include:
- enhancement of the integration of severely disabled individuals
- representation of interests
- consultation and assistance for severely disabled individuals
Ethics commission
The Research Ethics Committee (Kommission für Forschungsfolgenabschätzung und Ethik) of the University of Oldenburg advises and evaluates regarding ethical aspects and impact assessment of research projects. Please note the deadlines for the submission of requests for research projects.