Seeking Advice

Seeking Advice

The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg has a broad network of advice services for various purposes or situations.

Psychological/Social Counselling

Employees of Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg can use the Social and Addiction Counselling Services ("Betriebliche Sozial- und Suchtberatung", BSSB). The services include a coaching for employees, supervisors, and teams, and they cover analysis and moderation of conflicts as well as advice on psychological health issues and the prevention or treatment of addictions

Registered doctoral candidates can seek advice for personal or study-related difficulties at the Psychological Counseling Services ("Psychologischer Beratungsservice" PBS) and at the Sozialberatung of the Studentenwerk.

Conflict Consulting

The Team of the Counselling centre for sexualized discrimination and violence issues (Beratungsstelle bei Fragen zu sexualisierter Diskriminierung und Gewalt) conTakt supports members of Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in cases of sexualized discrimination, molestation, or violence. ConTakt offers psychological and legal advice for people who have experienced or observed sexualized discrimination or who want to intervene.

The Conflict Consulting Services (Konflikt-Beratungsstelle) of the university takes complaints, gives advice, and can open a mediation process.

Support for People with Disablilities

The Support Centre for People with Disablilities of the Studentenwerk counsels disabled and chronically ill students and offers advice on their rights and possible support options. Financial support (e.g. through scholarships) is one focus of that counselling. Furthermore, information is provided on countering disadvantages in the library or during stays abroad.

The Support Services for Employees with Disabilities (Schwerbehindertenvertretung) of the university represents the interests of all employees with disabilities and offers them help and support.

All employees with disabilities elect their representatives. Their duties are:

  • support and integration of people with disabilities;
  • representation of their interests;
  • advice and help for people with disabilities.

Health Management

The Health Management (Gesundheitsmanagement) at the University of Oldenburg supports making the university a healthy workplace for all employees. The services for the employees of the university cover both the work environment and organization as well as healthy life by eating habits, sports, and stress management.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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