Family service

The Family service of the University of Oldenburg provides information for students and employees of the university on family issues.


Family-friendly university

Angelika I. Müller

Contact for Equal Opportunities Issues

The central equal opportunities officer supports the University of Oldenburg in ensuring equal opportunities of men and women.

Central Equal Opportunities Officer

Anne G. Kosfeld

Furthermore, there are equal opportunities officers of the individual schools.

Family and Equal Opportunities

Family and Equal Opportunities at the
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Diversity and Equal Opportunities are central to Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. This includes the support of families as well as the recognition of the differences and different convictions of its members. In addition, gender mainstreaming has long been recognized and applied by the university.

  • The Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality of the German Research Foundation (DFG): The University of Oldenburg (UOL) is one of twenty universities which have implemented a gender equality strategy extraordinarily well. Noteworthy are the relatively high number of female professors and increase in the share of female early career researchers.
  • The “University ranking with regard to standards on gender equality 2011” (Hochschulranking nach Gleichstellungsaspekten 2011) of the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS): In 2011 the University of Oldenburg was awarded a score of 11 out of 14 possible points and thus is situated among the seven highest-ranked universities in Germany.
  • Audit “Family-friendly University” (Audit Familiengerechte Hochschule) of the “berufundfamilie gGmbH” of the Hertie Foundation: In 2004 the University of Oldenburg was the first university in Lower Saxony to be awarded the label of a family-friendly university.
  • On 06 October 2022, the CHE Centre for Higher Education Development, together with the association Familie in der Hochschule e.V. (Family in Higher Education), published an information brochure on the topic of "Studying and caring for relatives". The current guidebook from the series "CHE kurz + kompakt" (CHE short + compact) answers the most important questions about support services for caring students. A commented list of links and checklists for next steps and further research round off the information package in pdf format. The authors of the publication "CHE kurz + kompakt - Studieren und Angehörige pflegen" are Claudia Batisweiler and Jan Thiemann. Here you can read the CHE press release and download the guide free of charge. Go directly to the guidebook CHE kurz + kompakt: Studieren und Angehörige pflegen (PDF download)

Family-friendly university

Time and peace for scientific work and qualification are the most valuable assets during the doctoral and postdoc phases. At this stage, early career researchers often have to fulfil further obligations in teaching and administration. The conditions for scientific qualification vary depending on discipline and stage of the career. But when it comes to combining family responsibilities with academic requirements, balancing both worlds gets particularly challenging. Being a family-friendly university the UOL offers support with the organization of care for children or other dependent people. Information for early career researchers on the reconciliation of family and work life is available on the homepage of the family service.

Daycare center on the university campus

The Student Services Oldenburg offer 70 places for children in the Kita am Campus Haarentor. The focus is on children under the age of three/four. The service is available to members of the UOL as well as “external” parents.

Another special service for children of students and employees of the UOL is the flexible care in the afternoon (flexible Nachmittagsbetreuung).

The International Office offers further information for international scientists and academics on research stays with the family.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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