

Prof. Dr Lars Schwettmann

+49 (0)441 798-2410


+49 (0)441 798-2772

+49 (0)441 798-5824

Dipl.Ges.oec. David Saß

+49 (0)441 798-2685

Carmen Pacholke

+49 (0)441 798-2772

Imke Garten (currently not on duty)

Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg Department of Health Services Research Faculty VI - Medicine and Health Sciences Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118 26129 Oldenburg

Visiting address

Campus Haarentor, Building V04 Ammerländer Heerstr. 140 26129 Oldenburg



Niedermayer, F., Wolf, K., Zhang, S., Dallavalle, M., Nikolaou, N., Schwettmann, L., Selsam, P., Hoffmann, B., Schneider, A., Peters, A.: Sex-specific associations of environmental exposures with prevalent diabetes and obesity - results from the KORA Fit study. Environmental research (2024) [IF 8.300]

Badpa, M., Schneider, A., Schwettmann, L., Thorand, B., Wolf, K., Peters, A.: Air pollution, traffic noise, greenness, and temperature and the risk of incident type 2 diabetes: Results from the KORA cohort study. Environmental Epidemiology. 8(2) (2024) [IF 3.600]


Schwettmann, L., Hamprecht, A., Seeber, G. H., Pichler, S., Voss, A., Ansmann, L., Hoffmann, F.: Differences in healthcare structures, processes and outcomes of neighbouring European countries: the example of Germany and the Netherlands. Res. Health Serv. Reg. (2023)

Loidl, V., Hamacher, K., Lang, M., Laub, O., Schwettmann, L., Grill, E.: Impact of a pediatric primary care health-coaching program on change in health-related quality of life in children with mental health problems: results of the PrimA-QuO cohort study. BMC Prim. Care (2023). 24: 182. [IF 2.900]

Jansen, L., Schwettmann, L., Behr, C., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., Justenhoven, C., Kajüter, H., Manz, K., Peters, F.,Pritzkuleit, R., Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, A., Sirri, E., Tetzlaff, F., Voigtländer, S., Arndt, V.: Trends in cancer incidence by socioeconomic deprivation in Germany in 2007 to 2018: An ecological registry-based study. Inter.  J. Cancer. (2023) [IF 6.400]

Auzanneau, M., Eckert, A., Meyhöfer, S.M., Heni, M., Gillessen, A., Schwettmann, L., Jehle, P.M., Hummel, M., Holl, R.W.: Area deprivation and demographic factors associated with diabetes technology use in adults with type 1 diabetes in Germany. Front. Endocrinol. (2023) [IF 5.200]

Riedel, N., Mena, E., Köckler, H., Reineke, B., Peters, A., Schwettmann, L., Wolf, K., Bolte, G., Kraus, U.: Identifying interactions between determinants of intention for civic engagement against transportation noise exposure - a theory-driven classification tree analysis in a cross-sectional study in Germany. J. Environ. Plan. Manag. (2023) [IF 3.371]

Pedron, S., Laxy, M., Radon, K., Le Gleut, R., Castelletti, N., Guggenbüehl Noller, J.M., Diefenbach, M.N., Hölscher, M., Leidl, R., Schwettmann, L. and the KoCo19 collaboration group: Socioeconomic and risk-related drivers of compliance with measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection: evidence from the Munich-based KoCo19 study. BMC Public Health. 23:860 (2023) [IF 4.135]

König, A., Linkohr, B., Peters, A., Ladwig, K.H., Laxy, M., Schwettmann, L.: Relating the visceral factor of pain to domain-specific risk attitudes. J. Behav. Decis. Mak. e2323 (2023) [IF 2.508]

Dandolo, L., Telkmann, K., Hartig, C., Horstmann, S., Pedron, S., Schwettmann, L., Selsam, P., Schneider, A., Gabriele Bolte, INGER study group: Do multiple sex/gender-dimensions play a role in the association of green space and self-rated health? Model based recursive partitioning results from the KORA INGER study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 20(7):5241 (2023) [IF 4.614]

Belau, M.H., Becher, H., Riefflin, M., Bartig, D., Schwettmann, L., Schwarzbach, C.J., Grau, A.: The impact of regional deprivation on stroke incidence, treatment, and mortality in Germany. Neurol. Res. Pract. 5(1):6. (2023) 

Herder, C., Zhang, S., Wolf, K., Maalmi, H., Bönhof, G. J., Rathmann, W., Schwettmann, L., Thorand, B., Roden, M., Schneider, A., Ziegler, D., Peters, A.: Environmental risk factors of incident distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy: Results from the prospective population-based KORA F4/FF4 study. Sci. Total Environ. 858:159878 (2023) [IF 10.753]


Pedron, S., Hanselmann, M., Burns, J., Rich, A., Peters, A., Heier, M., Schwettmann, L., Bor, J.H., Bärninghausen, T., Laxy, M.: The effect of population-based blood pressure screening on long-term cardio-metabolic morbidity and mortality: A regression discontinuity analysis. PLOS Medicine 19(12):e1004151 (2022) [IF 11.613]

Korbmacher-Böttcher, D., Bamberg, F., Peters, A., Linkohr, B., Ladwig, K.H., Schwettmann, L., Weckbach, S., Schlett, C.L., Rospleszcz, S.: Long-term psychosocial consequences of whole-body MR imaging and reporting of incidental findings in a population-based cohort study. Diagnostics 12(10):2356 (2022) [IF 3.992]

Rooney, J., Rakete, S., Heier, M., Linkohr, B., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A.: Blood lead levels and demographic characteristics in the KORA-Fit cohort study participants. Environ. Res. 215:114184 (2022) [IF 6.498]

Marijic, P., Schwarzkopf, L., Maier, W., Trudzinski, F., Schwettmann, L. (shared last author), Kreuter, M. (2022). Effects of influenza vaccination in patients with interstitial lung diseases: an epidemiological claims data analysis. Ann. Am. Thorac. 19: 1479–1488 (2022) [IF 6.831]

Marijic, P., Murawski, M., Maier, W., Hamacher, K., Laub, O., Lang, M., Grill, E., Schwettmann, L.: Cost Effects of a Health Coaching in Children and Adolescents With Mental Health and Developmental Disorders. Acad. Pediatr. 22:1118-1126 (2022) [IF 3.107]

Marijic, P., Schwarzkopf, L., Maier, W., Trudzinski, F., Kreuter, M. (shared last author), Schwettmann, L.: Comparing outcomes of ILD patients managed in specialised versus non-specialised centres. Respir. Res. 23:220 (2022) [IF 7.162]

Decke, S., Hamacher, K., Lang, M., Laub, O., Schwettmann, L., Strobl, R., Grill, E.: Longitudinal changes of mental health problems in children and adolescents treated in a primary care- based health-coaching programme – results of the PrimA-QuO cohort study. BMC Primary Care 23:211 (2022) [IF 2.480]

Steinbeisser, K., Schwarzkopf, L., Schwettmann, L., Laxy, M., Grill, E., Rester, C., Peters, A., Seidl, H.: Association of physical activity with utilization of long-term care in community-dwelling older adults in Germany: results from the population-based KORA-Age study. Int. J. Behav. Nutr. Phys. Act. 19:102 (2022)  [IF 8.915]

Hellbach, F., Baumeister, S.-E., Wilson, R., Wawro, N., Dahal, C., Freuer, D., Hauner, H., Peters, A., Winkelmann, J., Schwettmann, L., Rathmann, W., Kronenberg, F., Koenig, W., Meisinger, C., Waldenberger, M., Linseisen, J.: Association between usual dietary intake of food groups and DNA methylation and effect modification by metabotype. Life 12(7):1064 (2022) [IF 3.251]

Manz, K.M., Schwettmann, L., Mansmann, U., Maier, W.: Area deprivation and COVID-19 incidence and mortality in Bavaria, Germany: a Bayesian geographical analysis. Public Health Front. 10:927658 (2022) [IF 3.018]

Dandolo, L.C., Hartig, C., Telkmann, K., Horstmann, S., Schwettmann, L., Selsam, P., Schneider, A., Bolte, G.: Decision tree analyses to explore the relevance of multiple sex/gender dimensions for the exposure to green spaces: results from the KORA INGER study. Int. J. Environ. Res. 19(12):7476 (2022) [IF 3.390]

Fiorito, G., Pedron, S., Ochoa-Rosales, C., McCrory, C., Polidoro, S., Zhang, Y., ..., Schwettmann, L., …, Carmeli, C. (2022). The role of epigenetic clocks in explaining educational inequalities in mortality: a multi-cohort study and meta-analysis. J. Gerontol. - Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. glac041 (2022) [IF 6.053]


Katzenberger, B., Schwettmann, L., Weigl, M., Paulus, A., Pedron, S., Fuchs, S., Koller, D., Grill, E.: Behavioural and patient-individual determinants of quality of life, functioning and physical activity in older adults (MobilE-TRA 2): Study protocol of an observational cohort study in a tertiary care setting. BMJ Open 11(12):e051915 (2021) [IF 2.692]

Marijic, P., Schwarzkopf, L., Schwettmann, L., Ruhnke, T., Trudzinski, F., Kreuter, M.: Pirfenidone vs. nintedanib in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A retrospective cohort study. Respir. Res. 22:268 (2021) Publisher [IF 4.916]

Olm, M., Donnachie, E., Tauscher, M., Gerlach, R., Linde, K., Maier, W., Schwettmann, L., Schneider, A.: Hausärztliche Versorgungssteuerung vor und nach Abschaffung der Praxisgebühr: Eine Routinedatenanalyse aus Bayern. Z. Allgemeinmed. 97(11): 444-450 (2021) Publisher [IF -]

Steinbeisser, K., Schwarzkopf, L., Grill, E., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A., Seidl, H.: Gender-linked determinants for utilization of long-term care in community-dwelling adults 65+ in Germany: Results from the population-based KORA-Age study. Exp. Gerontol. 153:111500 (2021) [IF 3.376]

Olm, M., Donnachie, E., Tauscher, M., Gerlach, R., Linde, K., Maier, W., Schwettmann, L., Schneider, A.: Ambulatory specialist costs and morbidity of coordinated and uncoordinated patients before and after abolition of copayment: A cohort analysis. PLOS ONE 16(6):e0253919 (2021) [IF 2.740]

Loidl, V., Decke, S., Deckert, K., Lang, M., Laub, O., Marijic, P., Murawski, M., Schwettmann, L., Grill, E.: Mixed-methods evaluation of a structured primary care program for children and adolescents with mental health problems (PrimA-QuO): Study protocol. BMJ Open 11(7):e052747 (2021) [IF 2.496]

Ptuschkina, V., Jacobs, E., Maier, W., Schipf, S., Völzke, H., Markus, M., Nauck, M., Meisinger, C., Peters, A., Herder, C., Schwettmann, L., Dörr, M., Felix, S., Roden, M., Rathmann, W.: Educational level, but not income or area deprivation, is related to macrovascular risk: Results from two population-based cohorts in Germany BMC Public Health 66:633909 (2021) [IF 2.419]

Finke, I., Behrens, G., Maier, W., Schwettmann, L., Pritzkuleit, R., Holleczek, B., Kajüter, H., Mattutat, J., Emrich, K., Jansen, L., Brenner, H.: Small-area analysis on socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival for 25 cancer sites in Germany. Inter. J. Cancer 149: 561-572 (2021) [IF 5.145]

Pedron, S., Schmaderer, K., Murawski, M., Schwettmann, L.: The association between childhood socioeconomic status and adult health behavior: The role of locus of control. Soc. Sci. Res. 95:102521 (2021) [IF 1.959]

Pedron, S., Kurz, C., Schwettmann, L. (shared last author), Laxy, M.: The effect of BMI and type 2 diabetes on socioeconomic status: A two-sample multivariable Mendelian randomization study. Diabetes Care 44: 850-852 (2021) [IF 16.019]

Laxy, M., Thorand, B., Peters, A., Karl, F., Schwettmann, L., Kähm, K., Holle, R.: Utility decrements associated with diabetes and related complications: Estimates from a population-based study in Germany. Value Health 24: 274-280 (2021) [IF 4.748]

Jansen, L., Kanbach, J., Finke, I., Arndt, V., Emrich, K., Holleczek, B., Kajüter, H., Kieschke, J., Maier, W., Pritzkuleit, R., Sirri, E., Schwettmann, L., Erb, C., Brenner, H.: Estimation of the potentially avoidable premature excess deaths associated with socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in Germany. Cancers 13:357 (2021) [IF 6.126]

Voss, S., Schneider, A., Huth, C., Wolf, K., Markevych, I., Schwettmann, L., Rathmann, W., Peters, A., Breitner, S.: Long-term exposure to air pollution, road traffic noise, residential greenness, and prevalent and incident metabolic syndrome: Results from the population-based KORA F4/FF4 cohort in Augsburg, Germany. Environ. Int. 147:106364 (2021) [IF 7.577]

Sun, D., Richard, M., Musani, S. K., … Schwettmann, L., … Fornage, M.: Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study accounting for gene-psychosocial factor interactions identifies novel loci for blood pressure traits. Hum. Genet. Genomics Adv. 2:100013 (2021) [IF -]

Stephan, A.-J., Schwettmann, L., Meisinger, C., Ladwig, K.-H.; Linkohr, B., Thorand, B., Schulz, H., Peters, A., Grill, E.: Living longer but less healthy: The female disadvantage in health expectancy. Results from the KORA*-Age cohort study. Exp. Gerontol. 145:111196 (2021) [IF 3.376]


Decke, S., Deckert, K., Lang, M., Laub, O., Loidl, V., Schwettmann, L., Grill, E.: “We’re in good hands there.” - Acceptance, barriers and facilitators of a primary care-based health coaching programme for children with mental health problems: A qualitative study (PrimA-Qu0). BMC Fam. Pract. 21:273 (2020) Publisher [IF 2.022]

Kirsch, F., Becker, C., Kurz, C., Schwettmann, L., Schramm, A.: Effects of adherence to pharmacological secondary prevention after acute myocardial infarction on health care costs – An analysis of real-world data. BMC Health Serv. Res. 20:1145 (2020) Publisher [IF 1.987]

Borgmann, S., Gontscharuk, V., Sommer, J., Laxy, M., Ernstmann, N., Karl, F., Rückert-Eheberg, I.-M., Schwettmann, L., Ladwig, K.-H., Peters, A., Icks, A.: Different information needs in subgroups of people with diabetes mellitus: A latent class analysis. BMC Public Health 20:1901 (2020) Publisher [IF 2.521]

Bauer, J., Klingelhöfer, D., Maier, W., Schwettmann, L., Groneberg, D.: Spatial accessibility of general inpatient care in Germany – An analysis of surgery, internal medicine and neurology. Sci. Rep. 10:19157 (2020) Publisher [IF 3.998]

Greiner, G., Emmert-Fees, K., Becker, J., Rathmann, W., Thorand, B., Peters, A., Quante, A., Schwettmann, L. (shared last author), Laxy, M.: Toward targeted prevention: Risk factors for prediabetes defined by impaired fasting glucose, impaired fasting glucose tolerance and increased HbA1c in the population-based KORA study from Germany. Acta Diabetologica 57, 1481-1491 (2020) [IF 3.418]

Bauer, J., Brüggmann, D., Klinghöfer, D., Maier, W., Schwettmann, L., Weiss, D., Groneberg, D.: Access to intensive care in 14 European countries: A spatial analysis of intensive care need and capacity in the light of COVID-19. Intensive Care Med. 46, 2026-2034 (2020) [IF 17.679]

Perna, L. Zhang, Y., Matias-Garcia, P., Ladwig, K.-H., Wiechmann, T., Wild, B., Waldenberger, M., Schöttker, B.,Mons, U.,Ihle, A., Kliegel, M., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A., Brenner, H.: Subjective mental health, incidence of depressive symptoms in later life, and the role of epigenetics: Results from two longitudinal cohort studies. Transl. Psychiatry 10, 323 (2020) [IF 5.280]

Pedron, S., Maier, W., Peters, A., Linkohr, B., Meisinger, C., Rathmann, W., Eibich, P. (shared last author), Schwettmann, L.: The effect of retirement on biomedical and behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Econ. Hum. Biol. 38:100893 (2020) [IF 1.876]

Olm, M., Donnachie, E., Tauscher, M., Gerlach, R., Linde, K., Maier, W., Schwettmann, L., Schneider, A.: Impact of the abolition of copayments on the GP-centred coordination of care in Bavaria, Germany: Analysis of routinely collected claims data. BMJ Open 10:e035575 (2020) [IF 2.496]

Bauer, J., Klingelhöfer, D., Maier, W., Schwettmann, L., Groneberg, D.: Prediction of hospital visits for the general inpatient care using floating catchment area methods: A reconceptualization of spatial accessibility. Int. J. Health Geogr. 19:29 (2020) Publisher [IF 3.239]

Karl, F., Holle, R., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A., Meisinger, C., Rückert-Eheberg, I.-M., Laxy, M.: Association between unrealistic comparative optimism and self-management in individuals with type 2 diabetes: Results from a cross-sectional, population-based study. Health Sci. Rep. 3:e157 (2020) [IF 1.560]

Becker, J., Emmert-Fees, K., Greiner, G., Rathmann, W., Thorand, B., Peters, A., Karl, F., Laxy, M., Schwettmann, L.: Associations between self-management behavior and sociodemographic and disease-related characteristics in elderly people with type 2 diabetes: New results from the population-based KORA studies in Germany. Prim. Care Diabetes 14, 508-514 (2020) [IF 2.052]

Beller, J., Bauersachs, J., Schäfer, A., Schwettmann, L., Heier, M., Peters, A., Meisinger, C., Geyer, S.: Diverging trends in age at first myocardial infarction: Evidence from two German population-based studies. Sci. Rep. 10:9610 (2020) Publisher [IF 3.998]

Galiè, F., Rospleszcz, S., Keeser, D., Beller, E., Illigens, B., Lorbeer, R., Grosu, S., Selder, S., Auweter, S., Schlett, C.L., Rathmann, W., Schwettmann, L., Ladwig, K.-H., Linseisen, J., Peters, A., Bamberg, F., Ertl-Wagner, B., Stoecklein, S.: Machine-learning based exploration of determinants of gray matter volume in the KORA-MRI study. Sci. Rep. 10:8363 (2020) Publisher [IF 3.998]

Finke, I., Behrens, G., Schwettmann, L., Gerken, M., Pritzkuleit, R., Holleczek, B., Brenner, H., Jansen, L.: Socioeconomic differences and lung cancer survival in Germany: Investigation based on population-based clinical cancer registration. Lung Cancer 142, 1-8 (2020) [IF 4.702]

Stephan, A.J., Strobl, R., Schwettmann, L., Meisinger, C., Ladwig, K.-H., Linkohr, B., Thorand, B., Peters, A., Grill, E.: The times we are born into and our lifestyle choices determine our health trajectories in older age - Results from the KORA(1)-Age study. Prev. Med. 133:106025 (2020) [IF 3.788]

Radon, K., Saathoff, E., Pritsch, M., …, Hoelscher, M., the KoCo19 collaboration group (…, Schwettmann, L.): Protocol of a population-based prospective COVID-19 cohort study Munich, Germany (KoCo19). BMC Public Health 20:1036 (2020) [IF -, no co-authorship]


Gaertner, W., Bradley, R., Xu, Y., Schwettmann, L.: Against the proportionality principle: Experimental findings on bargaining over losses. PLoS ONE 14:e0218805 (2019) [IF 2.776]

Stephan, A.-J., Strobl, R., Schwettmann, L., Meisinger, C., Ladwig, K.-H., Linkohr, B., Thorand, B., Peters, A., Grill, E.: Being born in the aftermath of World War II increases the risk for health deficit accumulation in older age: Results from the KORA-Age study. Eur. J. Epidemiol. 34, 675-687 (2019) Publisher [IF 6.529]

Rabel, M., Mess, F., Karl, F., Pedron, S., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A., Heier, M., Laxy, M.: Change in physical activity after diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension: Results from an observational population-based cohort study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16:4247 (2019) [IF 2.468]

Rabel, M., Laxy, M., Thorand, B., Peters, A., Schwettmann, L., Mess, F.: Clustering of health-related behavior patterns and demographics. Results from the population-based KORA S4/F4 cohort study. Front. Publ. Health 6:387 (2019) [IF 2.031]

Harter, K., Hammel, G., Krabiell, L., Linkohr, B., Peters, A., Schwettmann, L., Ring, J., Johar, H., Ladwig, K.-H., Traidl-Hoffmann, C.: Different psychosocial factors are associated with seasonal and perennial allergies in adults: Cross-sectional results of the KORA FF4 study. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 179, 262-272 (2019) [IF 2.932]

Finke, I., Behrens, G., Schwettmann, L., Gerken, M., Pritzkuleit, R., Holleczek, B., Brenner, H., Jansen, L.: Socioeconomic differences and lung cancer survival in Germany: Differences in Therapy and clinical prognostic factors. J. Epidemiol. Community Health 73, A77-A77 (2019) [IF 3.872]

Fiorito, G., McCrory, C., Robinson, O., … Schwettmann, L., … Polidoro, S.: Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: A multi-cohort analysis. Aging 11, 2045-2070 (2019) [IF 5.515]

Karl, F., Holle, R., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A., Laxy, M.: Status quo bias and health behavior: Findings from a cross-sectional study. Eur. J. Public Health 29, 992-997 (2019) [IF 2.234]

Pedron, S., Emmert-Fees, K., Laxy, M., Schwettmann, L.: The impact of diabetes on labour market participation: A systematic review of results and methods. BMC Public Health 19:25 (2019) Publisher [IF 2.567]


Maier, W., Schwettmann, L.: Area deprivation in Germany: The 'German Index of Multiple Deprivation (GIMD)'. Public Health Forum 26, 376-379 (2018) [IF 0.120]

von Philipsborn, P., Effertz, T., Laxy, M., Schwettmann, L., Stratil, J.M.: Prävention von Adipositas und Diabetes mellitus als gesundheitspolitische Herausforderung. Adipositas 12, 113-19 (2018) [IF -]

Greiner, G., Schwettmann, L., Goebel, J., Maier, W.: Primary care in Germany: Access and utilisation - a cross-sectional study with data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). BMJ Open 8:e021036 (2018) [IF 2.413]

Karl, F., Holle, R., Schwettmann, L., Peters, A., Laxy, M.: Time preference, outcome expectancy, and self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes. Patient Prefer. Adherence, 12, 1937-1945 (2018) [IF 1.733]


Ahlert, M., Schwettmann, L.: Allocating health care resources: A questionnaire experiment on the predictive success of rules. Int. J. Equity Health 16:112 (2017) Publisher [IF 1.738]

Gaertner, W., Schwettmann, L.: Burden sharing in deficit countries: A questionnaire-experimental investigation. SERIEs – J. Span. Econ. 8, 113-144 (2017) [IF 0.424]

von Philipsborn, P., Stratil, J., Schwettmann, L., Laxy, M., Rehfuess, E.A., Hauner, H. Nichtübertragbare Krankheiten: Der Stellenwert der Prävention in der Politik. Dtsch. Ärztebl. 114, 1700-1702 (2017) Publisher [IF -]

2016 (or earlier)

Ahlert, M., Breyer, F., Schwettmann, L.: How you ask is what you get: Framing effects in willingness-to-pay for a QALY. Soc. Sci. Med., 150: 40-48 (2016) [IF 2.797]

Schwettmann, L.: Decision solution, data-manipulation and trust: The (un-)willingness to donate organs in Germany in critical times. Health Policy 19: 980-989 (2015) [IF 2.450]

Diederich, A., Schwettmann, L., Winkelhage, J.: Does lifestyle matter when deciding on co-payments for health care? A survey of the general public. J. Public Health 22 (5): 443-453 (2014) [IF 2.701]

Ahlert, M., Schwettmann, L.: Allokation medizinischer Ressourcen – Experimentelle Ergebnisse zur Akzeptanz von Verteilungsregeln. PharmacoEconomics – German Research Articles 11: 89-100 (2013) Publisher [IF 0.124]

Ahlert, M., Funke, K., Schwettmann, L.: Thresholds, productivity, and context: An experimental study on determinants of distributive behaviour. Soc. Choice Welf. 40: 957-984 (2013) Publisher [IF 0.590]

Schwettmann, L.: Competing allocation principles: Time for compromise? Theory Decis. 73: 357-380 (2012) Publisher [IF 0.680]

Gaertner, W., Neck, R., Schwettmann, L.: Perceptions of equity across cultures and over time: A questionnaire-experimental approach. Int. Adv. Econ. Res. 17 (1): 1-11 (2011) [IF 0.375]

Gaertner, W., Schwettmann, L.: Equity, responsibility and the cultural dimension. Economica 74: 627-649 (2007) [IF 0.735]

Gaertner, W., Schwettmann, L.: Untersuchungen zur Einschätzung von Gerechtigkeit. Anal. und Krit. 27 (2): 288-314 (2005) [IF -]

Other publications

Krauth, C., Schwettmann, L.: Verhaltensökonomie. In: Schwartz, F.W., Walter, U., Siegrist, J., Kolip, P., Leidl, R., Busse, R., Amelung, V., Dierks, M.-L. (Eds.) Public Health: Gesundheit und Gesundheitswesen, Elsevier Urban & Fischer. chapter 32, 375-381 (2022) [book chapter] 

Schwettmann, L.: A simple vote won’t do it - Empirical social choice and the fair allocation of health care resources. In: Bauer, A., Mayerhuber, M. (Eds.), Empirical Research and Normative Theory. Oldenburg: DeGruyter. 295-316 (2020) [book chapter]

Schwettmann, L., Wuppermann, A.: Der dggö-Ausschuss Allokation und Verteilung – 10-jähriger Jubiläumsworkshop. Gesundheitsökon. Qualitätsmanag. 25, 75-77 (2020)

Schwettmann, L.: Let’s talk about health economic evaluation: Relevant contextual factors for the German ‘Sonderweg’. In: Nagel, E., Lauerer, M. (Eds.), Prioritization in Medicine: An International Dialog. Berlin: Springer. 273-281 (2016) [book chapter]

Konow, J., Schwettmann, L.: The economics of justice. In: Sabbagh, C., Schmitt, M. (Eds.), Handbook of Social Justice Theory and Research. New York: Springer (2016) [book chapter]

Schwettmann, L.: Essays on Preferences and Opinions about Allocating Health Care Resources and Donated Organs, Kumulative Habilitationsschrift. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2015) Publisher

Ahlert, M., Schwettmann, L.: Einstellungen zur Organtransplantation und Spendebereitschaft. In: Böcken, J., Braun, B., Repschläger, U. (Eds.), Gesundheitsmonitor 2013 – Bürgerorientierung im Gesundheitswesen. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 63-87 (2013) Publisher [book chapter]

Schwettmann, L.: Wird alles, was Spaß macht, besteuert? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berücksichtigung von Eigenverantwortung bei der medizinischen Versorgung am Beispiel von Übergewicht und Fettleibigkeit. In: Schmitz-Luhn, B., Bohmeier, A. (Eds.), Priorisierung in der Medizin – Kriterien im Dialog. Kölner Schriften zum Medizinrecht, 11: 175-192 (2013)

Ahlert, M., Schwettmann, L.: Präferenzen zur Priorisierung in der Gesundheitsversorgung. Zeitschrift für Medizin, Ethik, Recht 4(2): 42-46 (2013) Publisher

Ahlert, M., Breyer, F., Schwettmann, L.: What you ask is what you get: Willingness-to-pay for a QALY in Germany. CESifo Working Paper No. 4239 (2013)

Schwettmann, L.: Recht und Gerechtigkeit – Verfahren und Kriterien bei der Priorisierung im Gesundheitswesen (Tagungsbericht). Ethik Med. 24: 163-166 (2012)

Schwettmann, L.: Heimatüberweisungen ausländischer Haushalte: Theoretische Erklärungsansätze und einige empirische Befunde aus Deutschland. München: Diplomica (2012) Publisher

Ahlert, M., Schwettmann, L.: Krankheitskosten der Demenz. Zeitschrift für Medizin, Ethik, Recht 3 (2): 42-47 (2012)

Schwettmann, L.: Book Review: Fleurbaey, Marc (2008). Fairness, Responsibility, and Welfare. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Soc. Choice Welf. 38 (1): 181-185 (2012)

Ahlert, M., Schwettmann, L.: Einstellung der Bevölkerung zur Organspende. In: Böcken, J., Braun, B., Repschläger, U. (Eds.), Gesundheitsmonitor 2011 – Bürgerorientierung im Gesundheitswesen. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung: 193-213 (2011) [book chapter] Publisher

Schwettmann, L.: Workshop zu Verteilungsfragen im Gesundheitswesen. Gesundheitsökon. Qualitätsmanag. 16 (3): 138-139 (2011)

Ahlert, M., Schwettmann, L.: Ergebnisse einer Befragung zur Studienzufriedenheit im Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, No. 71 (2011) Publisher

Schwettmann, L.: Trading off Competing Allocation Principles – Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Investigations. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang. Dissertation (2009) Publisher

Schwettmann, L.: Mr. and Mrs. Fairmind – Gender differences in justice evaluations. Beiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück, No. 2007/01 (2007) Publisher

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