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Only a small fraction of plastic litter floating in the seas ends up on the shores, as to be seen here at Unalau Bay, Hawaii. In future, scientists want to trace marine plastic litter by means of remote sensing to selctively organise cleanups, e.g. [Image: Sarah-Jeanne Royer].
Marine Science

Launch of international task force for remote sensing of marine debris

How can remote sensing technologies such as drones, airplanes and satellites support monitoring strategies to better understand the spread and…

Die einzelnen Sektionen eines der untersuchten Sedimentkerne. Da Letztere bis zu 30 Meter lang sein können, werden sie in der Regel zerlegt [Foto: Katharina Pahnke / Universität Oldenburg].
Marine Science

A jigsaw puzzle made of ancient dust

From a South Pacific expedition, a research team led by geoscientist Dr Torben Struve brought back a research object which had travelled far before…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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