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Marine Science

Hanne Banko Kubis receives Otto Krümmel Promotional Award

Hanne Marie Banko-Kubis accepted the Otto Krümmel Promotional Award today for her Bachelor thesis on carbon dioxide exchange in Norwegian coastal…

Marine Science

Students get Information on Plastics in the Sea

Initially, about 40 students of the Wilhelmshaven comprehensive school (IGS) informed themselves on marine litter at ICBM. Later on, the young…

Marine Science

Signal substances make corals put down roots

Any stone coral, creator of giant reef structures such as the Great Barrier Reef near Australia, began its life as a tiny floating larva. ICBM…

Marine Science

Live-Chat with RV SONNE

Still until 13 February, German RV SONNE is on research cruise again in the Pacific Ocean. The current mission, headed by ICBM staff, started from the…

Marine Science

Heavy Surface Layer Floats on Top

A gossamer pellicle, frequently observed on marine surfaces, often is more saline than the underlying bulk water in the tropical Pacific, despite the…

Marine Science

No Storm in a Water Glass…

… but fully grown breaker waves at the currently world’s largest wave flume near Hanover knocked over humans – in the service of science.

Marine Science

Marine archaea get an “extra income” from unexpected sources

Thaumarchaeota are able to utilize simple organic nitrogen compounds, such as cyanate or urea, as an additional energy and nitrogen source. This is…

Marine Science

New Building for Sensor Technology in Wilhelmshaven

The building complex of ICBM at its Wilhelmshaven site will grow about 600 square metres in usable floor space. The new part of the building is…

Marine Science

ICBM once again at the Jade Career Day

Numerous prospective students informed themselves at the Jade University of Applied Sciences about academic and professional career chances last…

Marine Science

Litter Recognition from a Distance

Plastic litter on the ocean surface can be identified and categorized from a distance by a new measuring method on the basis of infrared radiation.…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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