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Marine Science

6,600 Liters of Algae Soup: 6 Weeks of Experiment

In an interdisciplinary approach, researchers within the PhD training group EcoMol (The Ecology of Molecules) at the ICBM currently investigate the…

Marine Science

Third Ph.D. Day at ICBM

The third ICBM Ph. D. day took place at the Wilhelmshaven site of the ICBM on 21 March. The doctoral candidates exchanged experiences and ideas and…

Marine Science

Reef Ecology Excursion

Eleven students are exploring Indonesian coral reefs up to 9 March, shark encounter included. Under scientific supervision of Prof. Peter Schupp, PhD…

Marine Science

To Seize the Opportunity ...

… the ICBM research group „Sea Surfaces“ currently took their remotely operated research device to sea. In August, members of the ERC grant-funded…

ICBM-Nachwuchkoordinator Dr. Ferdinand Esser im Gespräch mit einer Studierenden.
Marine Science

ICBM@Jacobs Career Fair 2018

Since 2015, the Jacobs Career Fair is being held every year at the international Jacobs University Bremen. And for the third time already ICBM Junior…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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