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The transition zone between land and sea is particularly dynamic on North Sea beaches with high waves and strong tidal ranges – also below the surface. Photo: University of Oldenburg
Marine Science

A dynamical world underground

The German Research Foundation is funding a new research group at the university. The DynaDeep project, led by hydrogeologist Gudrun Massmann, is…

Delighted to have been granted university funding: Dr. Bianca Liguori (l.) and Dr. Corinna Mori [Image: T. Struve, ICBM].
Marine Science

Two ICBM – scientists receive university funding

Dr. Bianca Torres Liguori Pires and Dr. Corinna Mori are the two young ICBM researchers to receive 24 months funding from the programme budget of the…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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