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The figure shows asphalt pieces in artificial seawater. White microbial mats colonized on the asphalt within just a few days and the water became turbid. This was not observed in a control setup, where microbial activity was suppressed. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; J. Brünjes
Marine Science

Laboratory experiment identifies asphalt as a source for non-degradable carbon and sulfur compounds in the ocean

When oil is released into the sea, it is not always the result of an oil spill. There are naturally occurring hydrocarbon seeps on the seafloor where…

Natural clean-up: Some bacteria living in lakes are able to break down plastic compounds. Photo: Adobe Stock/Alex Stemmers
Marine Science

Natural clean-up

A study of 29 European lakes has found that some naturally-occurring lake bacteria grow faster and more efficiently on the remains of plastic bags…

For the first time since the whaling ban began, researchers and filmmakers have observed larger aggregations of southern fin whales in Antarctica. Photo: Dan Beecham
Marine Science

Fin whales back in Antarctica

For the first time since whaling was banned, a team of researchers and filmmakers has documented large groups of fin whales in the Southern Ocean. The…

Einige fossile Exemplare der Steinkoralle Desmophyllum dianthus[Foto: Eleni Anagnostou]
Marine Science

Stronger circulation in the Pacific during the Ice Age

Data from cold water corals point to changes in the global ocean circulation system during the last glacial period, an international team led by…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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