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Water samples collected in different depths in the North Atlantic Ocean by deploying a rosette, containing Niskin bottles and physical sensors [Photo: M. Seidel].
Marine Science

Analysis of sulfur isotopes identifies potential source of ancient dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the world's oceans

DOM is organic material dissolved in seawater - containing mostly carbon, but also nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and other elements - that is smaller than…

A sediment trap is launched during the POSEIDON expedition POS536 [Photo:Thea Hamm, GEOMAR].
Marine Science

Hitching a ride to the deep sea

In-situ sampling carried out on an expedition and subsequent measurements shed new light on the downward flux of microplastics from the ocean surface…

Marine Science

The future of marine biodiversity under global warming

Human-induced climate change has already had a major impact on Earth's biodiversity. The habitat of many species – including those in the oceans – Is…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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