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Celebrating winning the Science Slam with Dr Markus Prinz: Nathalie Kürten (IfV), co-host of the evening; Dr Maren Bertheau (UOL); Dr Rufina Fingerhut; Dr Matthias Weissensteiner (IfV); Jenny Neuhaus (DZMB, Senckenberg am Meer); the prize winner (ICBM); Dominik Antoni (AWI); Lennart Barke (Wadden Sea Visitor Centre, gave a talk on science out of competition); Justine Bertram (IfV) and Dr Moritz Mennenga (NIhK, Managing Director NWDUG) [Photos: S. Riexinger].
Marine Science Personalia

Markus Prinz wins Wilhelmshaven Science Slam

Landscape ecologist Dr Markus Prinz is the winner of the latest Wilhelmshaven Science Slam, which took place yesterday at the Pumpwerk cultural…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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