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To make visible marine microbes using more sophisticated microscopy such as a epifluorescence microscope, they have to be dyed with a fluorescence stain [Photography: Meinhard Simon, ICBM].
Marine Science

Regionally well adapted: Microbial communities in the Atlantic Ocean

At first glance, the open ocean seems to be a uniform habitat: Water as far as the eye can see. A research team from the Universities of Oldenburg and…

A yellowbelly hamlet (Hypoplectrus aberrans) from Barbados [Photograph by O. Puebla, ZMT].
Marine Science

Rapid diversification in coral reefs

Hamlets are dwellers of Caribbean coral reefs, where they exhibit a stunning diversity of colours and patterns. In a newly published article in the…

Tracks down marine litter from space: remote sensing expert Shungudzemwoyo Garaba [Photo: University of Oldenburg, Sibet Riexinger].
Marine Science

Satellites detect marine litter

Shungudzemwoyo Garaba does research at the Wilhelmshaven-based research group Marine Sensor Systems at ICBM. In doing so, he is particularly…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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